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We conduct firm and industry level examinations of key market risk exposures deemed material by managers over the period 2002–2016. We find that risk exposures have expanded in line with firms' growth and globalization and that managers strategically select disclosure formats in recognition of...
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reasons why hedging should lead to enhanced shareholder value, but empirical evidence in support of a substantial value … increase from hedging is, at best, mixed. In this paper, we synthesize the empirical evidence for value enhancement in firms …' hedging with derivatives using a statistical meta-analysis combining data from 47 different studies. Our findings indicate …
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A closed-form solution is obtained for the discrete-time global quadratic hedging problem of Schweizer (1995) applied …
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Recent research has shown that global quadratic hedging, also known as variance-optimal hedging and mean …-variance hedging, can significantly reduce the risk of hedging call and put options with long-term maturities (one year or more), such … as Long-Term Equity AnticiPation Securities (LEAPS). We propose a modification to global quadratic hedging that is more …
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By means of a difference-in-differences approach (sigma-DID), we investigate the effect that hedging has on corporate … risk. Examining the relation between hedging and the idiosyncratic variance of stock returns, we show that when new …
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light on this central question in corporate hedging theory. We use hand-collected data from the oil and gas industry that …-based theories of risk management. We document a broad absolute decrease in the use of hedging and a significant relative decrease in … hedging in financially constrained firms …
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I incorporate the choice of hedging instrument into a moral hazard model to study the impact of derivatives on a firm …'s value. A hedging instrument creates value by minimizing the expected costs of distress. In the model, managers who exert … as a hedge. I show that the optimal hedging instrument maximizes the firm's value but does not reduce the noise in the …
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, derivatives hedging and operating flexibility, in the presence of several frictions. We show that liquidity serves a critical and … hedging is likely to be low, though we explain why some empirical studies find a higher value. We explore the complex … are affected by operating leverage, the nature of operating flexibility, and the effectiveness of the hedging instrument …
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derivatives for hedging activities. Based on a sample of 300 Malaysian listed companies, we found that only 162 companies (54 …
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This study investigates the effect of corporate hedging on stock price crash risk. We test two competing hypotheses …. Under the transparency hypothesis, hedging reduces a firm's information asymmetry and lowers crash risk. Under the opacity … hypothesis, hedging decreases financial reporting quality and increases crash risk. Using a comprehensive sample of firms from …
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