Showing 61 - 70 of 1,563
We here present a fixed agents version of an original model of the emergence of hierarchies among social agents first introduced by Bonabeau et al. Having interactions occurring on a social network rather than among “walkers” does not drastically alter the dynamics. But it makes social...
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We study a prototypical model of a Parliament with two Parties or two Political Coalitions and we show how the introduction of a variable percentage of randomly selected independent legislators can increase the global efficiency of a Legislature, in terms of both the number of laws passed and...
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We propose a model for the localization of risky information in social (scale free) networks where we assume that risky information can propagate only between “mutually trusted nodes” (MTN). We propose an algorithm to construct the MTN network and show that there is a critical value m¯c2 of...
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In this work we consider the influence of mass media in the dynamics of the two-dimensional Sznajd model. This influence acts as an external field, and it is introduced in the model by means of a probability p of the agents to follow the media opinion. We performed Monte Carlo simulations on...
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A simple agent-based model of the evolution of faith-based systems (FBS) in human social networks is presented. In the model, each agent subscribes to a single FBS, and may be converted to share a different agent's FBS during social interactions. FBSs and agents each possess heritable...
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In this Note a social network model for opinion formation is proposed in which a person connected to q partners pays an attention 1/q to each partner. The mutual attention between two connected persons i and j is taken equal to the geometric mean 1/qiqj. Opinion is represented as usual by an...
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Ising spins put onto a Barabási–Albert scale-free network show an effective phase transition from ferromagnetism to paramagnetism upon heating, with an effective critical temperature increasing as the logarithm of the system size. Starting with all spins up and upon equilibration pinning the...
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We analyze a model of social interaction in one- and two-dimensional lattices for a moderate number of features. We introduce an order parameter as a function of the overlap between neighboring sites. In a one-dimensional chain, we observe that the dynamics is consistent with a second-order...
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relation with sociophysics. A new statistical physics approach to analyze these phenomena is proposed. A keystone of the …
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We study damage spreading among the opinions of a system of agents, subjected to the dynamics of the Krause–Hegselmann consensus model. The damage consists in a sharp change of the opinion of one or more agents in the initial random opinion configuration, supposedly due to some external...
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