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correlations quantified here in terms of multifractality provide further arguments in favor of nonextensivity. …
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We examine possible closed form solutions for the cumulative distribution function for systems where the probability density function can be adequately described by the generalized non-extensive statistics framework. Application to financial time series as a possible Value at Risk technique...
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). The aim of this study was to find out whether ISE daily return series has long-term dependency and multifractality by … the return series has multifractality. …
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). The aim of this study was to find out whether ISE daily return series has long-term dependency and multifractality by … the return series has multifractality. …
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analysis leads to exclude the presence of multifractality, we provide evidence supporting the conclusion that the …
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By applying the multifractal detrended fluctuation analysis to the high-frequency tick-by-tick data from Deutsche Börse both in the price and in the time domains, we investigate multifractal properties of the time series of logarithmic price increments and inter-trade intervals of time. We show...
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We analyzed multifractal properties of 5-min stock returns from a period of over two years for 100 highly capitalized American companies. The two sources: fat-tailed probability distributions and non-linear temporal correlations, vitally contribute to the observed multifractal dynamics of the...
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dimensions and singularity spectrum are derived. Moreover, contribution of two major sources of multifractality, that is, fat …
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observe a puzzling phenomenon where an apparent increase in multifractality is measured in time series generated from shuffled … motion and Levy flights. Overall we conclude that the multifractality observed in financial time series is mainly a … measured multifractality. …
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We study numerically statistical distributions of sums of chaotic orbit coordinates, viewed as independent random variables, in weakly chaotic regimes of three multi-dimensional Hamiltonian systems: Two Fermi-Pasta-Ulam (FPU-β) oscillator chains with different boundary conditions and numbers of...
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