Showing 41 - 50 of 303
We review recent numerical simulations of several models of interface growth in d-dimensional media with quenched disorder. These models belong to the universality class of anisotropic diode-resistor percolation networks. The values of the roughness exponent δ=0.63±0.01 (d=1+1) and...
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It is known that some dimeric tandem repeats (DTR) are very abundant in noncoding DNA. We find that certain DTR length distribution functions in noncoding DNA can be fit by a power law function. We analyze a simplified model of unequal chromosomal crossing over and find that it produces a stable...
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We study the optimal distance ℓopt in random networks in the presence of disorder implemented by assigning random weights to the links. The optimal distance between two nodes is the length of the path for which the sum of weights along the path (“cost”) is a minimum. We study the case of...
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We study the multifractal (MF) properties of the set of growth probabilities {pi} for 3D off-lattice diffusion-limited aggregation (DLA). We find that: (i) the {pi} display MF scaling for all moments-in contrast to 2D DLA, where one observes a “phase transition” in the MF spectrum for...
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We discuss recent findings suggesting that an inverse square probability density distribution P(ℓ)∼ℓ−2 of step lengths ℓ leads to an optimal random search strategy for organisms that can search efficiently for randomly located objects that can only be detected in the limited vicinity...
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Recently it has been shown that the most efficient strategy for searching randomly located objects, when the sites are randomly distributed and can be revisited any number of times, leads to a power law distribution P(ℓ)=ℓ−μ of the flights ℓ, with μ=2. We show analytically that the...
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We review the general search problem of how to find randomly located objects that can only be detected in the limited vicinity of a forager, and discuss its quantitative description using the theory of random walks. We illustrate Lévy flight foraging by comparison to Brownian random walks and...
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Asymptotic forms for the expected number of distinct sites visited by an n-step random walk, being calculable for many random walks, have been used in a number of analyses of physical models. We describe three recent extensions of the problem, the first replacing the single random walker by...
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We record and analyze the noise experienced by a tracer particle in a one-dimensional system of particles interacting with hard-core interactions. We find that the correlations of the noise are long-range, with an algebraic decay in time.
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