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In this paper, we study the backward stochastic differential equations driven by a G-Brownian motion (Bt)t≥0 in the following form: Yt=ξ+∫tTf(s,Ys,Zs)ds+∫tTg(s,Ys,Zs)d〈B〉s−∫tTZsdBs−(KT−Kt), where K is a decreasing G-martingale. Under Lipschitz conditions of f and g in Y and Z,...
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We derive the closed form pricing formulae for contracts written on zero coupon bonds for the lognormal forward LIBOR rates. The method is purely probabilistic in contrast with the earlier results obtained by Miltersen et al. (1997).
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In this note, we prove a new martingale transformation for superprocesses with general branching mechanisms which could be regarded as a Girsanov type transformation in measure-valued setting. As an application, a criterion for global extinction of superprocesses with spatially dependent...
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Cohen and Elliott (2010) introduced the backward stochastic difference equations (BSDEs) on spaces related to discrete time, finite state processes. Motivated by obtaining the explicit solution of a linear BSDE under their framework, we develop a new type of Girsanov transformation in this paper.
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We study the pruning process developed by Abraham and Delmas (2012) on the discrete Galton–Watson sub-trees of the Lévy tree which are obtained by considering the minimal sub-tree connecting the root and leaves chosen uniformly at rate λ, see Duquesne and Le Gall (2002). The tree-valued...
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We derive sufficient and necessary optimality conditions in terms of a stochastic maximum principle (SMP) for controls associated with cost functionals of mean-field type, under dynamics driven by a class of Markov chains of mean-field type which are pure jump processes obtained as solutions of...
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In this paper we discuss existence and uniqueness results for BSDEs driven by centered Gaussian processes. Compared to the existing literature on Gaussian BSDEs, which mainly treats fractional Brownian motion with Hurst parameter H1/2, our main contributions are: (i) Our results cover a wide...
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We derive sufficient and necessary optimality conditions in terms of a stochastic maximum principle (SMP) for controls associated with cost functionals of mean-field type, under dynamics driven by a class of Markov chains of mean-field type which are pure jump processes obtained as solutions of...
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This note deals with the asymptotic behavior of a weak solution of the multidimensional stochastic heat equation with a multiplicative fractional Brownian sheet. We study the solution given by the Feynman–Kac formula by the method of moments.
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