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Consider a tandem queue consisting of two single-server queues in series, with a Poisson arrival process at the first queue and arbitrarily distributed service times, which for any customer are identical in both queues. For this tandem queue, we relate the tail behaviour of the sojourn time...
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It has been known for a long time that for bootstrapping the probability distribution of the maximum of a sample consistently, the bootstrap sample size needs to be of smaller order than the original sample size. See Jun Shao and Dongsheng Tu (1995), Ex. 3.9,p. 123. We show that the same is true...
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Karamata’s theorem is well known, which examines the integral properties of regular variation functions. In this paper, we obtain the second-order version of Karamata’s theorem, and give its one application in characterizing the second-order regular variation property of a survival function...
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We study the dependence properties of stationary Markov chains generated by Archimedean copulas. Under some simple regularity conditions, we show that regular variation of the Archimedean generator at zero and one implies geometric orgodicityof the associated Markov chain. We verify our...
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Asymptotic tail probabilities for bivariate linear combinations of subexponential random variables are given. These results are applied to explain the joint movements of the stocks of reinsurers. Portfolio investment and retrocession practices in the reinsurance industry, for reasons of...
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For samples of random variables with a regularly varying tail estimating the tail index has received much attention recently. For the proof of asymptotic normality of the tail index estimator second order regular variation is needed. In this paper we first supplement earlier results on...
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The relationship between the theory of elliptically contoured distributions and the concept of tail dependence is investigated. We show that bivariate elliptical distributions possess the so-called tail dependence property if the tail of their generating random variable is regularly varying, and...
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This paper presents the impact of a class of transformations of copulas in their upper and lower multivariate tail dependence coefficients. In particular we focus on multivariate Archimedean copulas. In the first part of this paper, we calculate multivariate tail dependence coefficients when the...
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This paper establishes a simple asymptotic formula for the finite time ruin probability of a compound renewal risk model with constant interest force. We assume that the claim sizes are Weakly Negatively Dependent (WND) and identically distributed random variables belonging to the class of...
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This paper characterizes the long term social discount rate (SDR) in terms of indices of variation and identifies a class of discount functions that assign weight to the distant future in terms of the asymptotes of their hazard rates. Let A(t) be a discount function supported on [0, +∞[, whose...
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