Showing 61 - 70 of 457
A contingent valuation approach to assess the health effects of pesticides among Nicaraguan vegetable farmers is presented. Farmers' valuation of health is measured as willingness to pay (WTP) for low toxicity pesticides. Results show, that farmers are willing to spend about 28% of current...
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There is no single 'best way' of policy development. Bottom-up approaches to policy design and a broad debate among stakeholders facilitate policy learning and innovation. A novel approach of a bottom-up policy design process involving stakeholders is introduced. First results obtained by this...
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In this paper we analyze the factors that influence the productivity of maize among smallholder farmers. We use farm-household survey data in order to compare the productivity of smallholder maize production under integrated (ISFM) and chemical-based soil fertility management using a normalized...
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In the course of economic development there is a general downward trend of agricultural employment. In the EU-15, agricultural employment decreased by 2.3% p.a. (measured in regular persons) and 3.0% p.a. (measured in annual working units) between 1995 and 2000. In some of the new EU Member...
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The main emphasis of the present study is the empirical analysis of buyer market power of the Ukrainian milk processing industry on the market for raw milk. For an econometric analysis of pricing behaviour on the Ukrainian market for raw milk a sectoral, comparative-static structural model,...
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In this article we propose non-concave metafrontiers for estimating the inefficiency among production functions which do not necessarily belong to the same technology. In this case, estimating a joint production by literature approaches might be inappropriate. We call this inefficiency...
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Die Verbreitung von Technologien zur Biogaserzeugung hängt maßgeblich von deren einzelbetrieblicher Wirtschaftlichkeit ab. Der vorliegende Beitrag bestimmt die technische und die ökonomische Effizienz sowie die Rentabilität von Biogasanlagen auf der Basis empirischer Daten, die aus einer...
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Cross-border acquisitions have been the growing trend in recent years in the world brewing industry, giving brewers the opportunity to enhance their degree of internationalization and market share remarkably. This study employs event study analysis to examine 31 mergers and acquisitions among...
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This paper highlights the strategic role retailers private quality standards play in food supply chains. Considering two symmetric downstream firms that are exclusively supplied by a finite number of upstream firms and letting the upstream firms decide which retailer to supply, we show that...
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EU farmers face increasing requests to comply with legal as well as private agribusiness and retail standards. Both requests potentially raise farmer’s administrative burden. This paper discusses the potential synergies between cross-compliance and third-party certification schemes. In...
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