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In this paper we show that for every nonempty convex compact subset K of a finite dimensional space E there exists a Lipschitz function F: E → R, such that ∂F, generalized gradient of F in the sense of Clarke [4] is equal everywhere to K.
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An information-theoretic thought experiment is developed to provide a methodology for predicting endowment distributions in the absence of information on agent preferences. The allocation problem is first presented as a stylised knapsack problem. Although this knapsack allocation is intractable,...
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This paper develops a method to compute the equilibrium correspondence for exchangeeconomies with semi-algebraic preferences. Given a class of semi-algebraic exchange economiesparameterized by individual endowments and possibly other exogenous variables such as prefer-ence parameters or asset...
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In this paper we find a geometrical characterization of some components of the theory of equilibrium Walrasian and the existence of these in a pure exchange economy with heterogeneous agents where there are r goods and m agents. It will be proven that this economics admit stratification, for...
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We analyze the limit behavior of sequences of oligopolistic equilibria in which firms follow objectives consistent with their shareholders' interests. We show that the efficiency of the limit allocation depends on how firms' shares are distributed across consumers, and provide a characterization...
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L'economia politica è, tra le scienze umane, quella che maggiormente sperimenta l'attrazione verso i metodi quantitativi e in particolare verso la matematica e la statistica. Recentemente questa attrazione si è fatta ancor più forte che in passato, al punto che non è raro trovare, tra gli...
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In a scenario with a continuum of asymmetrically informed agents, we analyze how the initial information of a trader may be altered when she becomes a member of a coalition. In contrast to a perfect competition frame, we first show that neither arbitrarily small coalitions nor large coalitions...
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The focus of this study is on black markets which provide an important segment of the parallel economy. These markets operate in disequilibrium,search and information costs become very important.Trafficking in drugs taken as case, to explore both theoretically and empirically. The problem,...
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This paper presents a discrete-time growth model to describe the dynamics of a multi-agent economy, and the model consists of production process, exchange process, price and technology adjustment processes etc. Technologies of agents in each period are represented by a technology matrix pair,...
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