Showing 4,531 - 4,540 of 4,561
A large positive literature emphasizes the role of technological change in driving the demand for skill and talent. We consider the normative implications of such technical change for policy design.
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What a country has done in the past, and what other countries are doing in the present can feedback for good or for ill. We develop a model which can address hysteresis and contagion in sovereign debt markets. When a country's fundamentals change, those changes affect information acquisition...
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This paper examines the aggregate implications of sovereign credit risk in a business cycle model in which banks are exposed to risky government debt. An increase in the probability of a future sovereign default leads to a reduction in credit to firms because of two channels. First, it lowers...
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Heterogeneity in the composition of the labor force affects asset prices in the cross section. We combine a model of labor heterogeneity with a neoclassical q-theory model with labor adjustment costs and show that the negative expected return-hiring rate relation documented in previous studies...
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In this paper we estimate a model of general and human capital investment within a partial equilibrium model of search. The estimated model enables us to determine the production technology for both types of human capital and to assess their value in the sense of productivity and welfare of...
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Online appendix for the Review of Economic Dynamics article
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We consider a frictional two-sided matching market in which one side uses public cheap-talk announcements so as to attract the other side. We show that if the first-price auction is adopted as the trading protocol, then cheap talk can be perfectly informative, and the resulting market outcome is...
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We study the implications of multi-period loans for monetary and macroprudential policy, considering several realistic modifications -- variable vs. fixed loan rates, non-negativity constraint on newly granted loans, and occasionally binding collateral constraint -- to an otherwise standard DSGE...
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This paper studies household financial choices: why are these decisions dependent on the education level of the household? A life cycle model is constructed to understand a rich set of facts about decisions of households with different levels of education attainment regarding stock market...
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Does advertising serve to (i) increase awareness of a product, (ii) increase the likelihood that the product is considered carefully, or (iii) does it shift consumer utility conditional on having considered it? We utilize a detailed data set on consumers' shopping behavior and choices over...
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