Showing 157,871 - 157,880 of 179,493
This article examines Alberta's Wildlife Act and the federal Species at Risk Act (SARA) to assess the legal protection … that the Alberta government has chosen to govern species at risk almost entirely by policy and discretionary power. The …
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This paper contributes to the literature on systemic risk by assessing the network structure of bilateral insurance … exposures in the global non-life insurance market. The reinsurance is the major risk transfer function in the global insurance … systemic risk during and after the global financial crisis, we assume a global reinsurance network in which insurers worldwide …
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Italy is notoriously prone to natural hazards and disaster risk due to its peninsular and mountainous conformation. The … limited risk prevention and legacy of uncontrolled urban expansion contribute to amplifying the risks and their impacts … on the regional economy. Research of this type makes it possible to inform operative disaster risk reduction schemes and …
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Extending previous risk model backtesting literature, we construct multiple hypothesis testing (MHT) with the … risk models, focusing on Value-at-Risk (VaR) and Expected Shortfall (ExS). In devising the test for the absolute predictive …
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Consider a firm that markets multiple products, each manufactured using several resources representing various types of capital and labor, and a linear production technology. The firm faces uncertain product demand and has the option to dynamically readjust its resource investment levels,...
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Can the art and science of investment management be reduced to a set of patterns that markets generally follow, in apparent violation of the efficient market hypothesis? Can investors reasonably expect to make money from the knowledge of these patterns, even after they have not only been...
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their return plans. We show that migrants anticipating a large wage in the host country, or a relatively low risk of …
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In September 2013, the Supreme People's Court of the People's Republic of China (SPC) issued the Notice on Certain Issues Relating to Correct Handling of Judicial Review of Arbitration Matters (《Zui Gao Ren Min Fa Yuan Guan Yu Zheng Que Shen Li Zhong Cai Si Fa Shen Cha An Jian You Guan Wen Ti...
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Empirical evidence on developing countries highlights that poor farm-households are less keen to adopt high risk … develops a model of informal risk-sharing with endogenous risk-taking which provides a rationale for these observations. In our … framework, informal risk-sharing is incomplete due to risk externalities, which leads to moral hazard. We compare the first best …
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This article proposes a simple but realistic model to co-simulate the time series of three risk factors: temperature … electricity price-volume joint risk; illustrate a hedging strategy using weather and electricity price derivatives; and price a …
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