Showing 5,851 - 5,860 of 5,875
We consider a class $\mathscr{X}$ of continuous functions on $[0,1]$ that is of interest from two different perspectives. First, it is closely related to sets of functions that have been studied as generalizations of the Takagi function. Second, each function in $\mathscr{X}$ admits a linear...
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In this paper we provide a mathematical illustration to an empirical fuzzy phenomena known as 20-60-20 rule. In particular we show that if a random vector follows multivariate normal distribution and we split the whole population into three groups, then this fixed ratio leads to a global...
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Initial margin requirements are becoming an increasingly common feature of derivative markets. However, while the valuation of derivatives under collateralisation (Piterbarg 2010, Piterbarg2012), under counterparty risk with unsecured funding costs (FVA) (Burgard2011, Burgard2011, Burgard2013)...
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This paper studies four trading algorithms of a professional trader at a multilateral trading facility, observing a realistic two-sided limit order book whose dynamics are driven by the order book events. The identity of the trader can be either internalizing or regular, either a hedge fund or a...
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The complex, time-dependent statistical structures observed in the Dow Jones Industrial Average on a typical trading day are modeled with Lorentzian functions. The resonant-like structures are characterized by the values of the basic ratio: the average lifetime of the individual states...
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In this note, we investigate possible relationships between the bivariate Hurst exponent $H_{xy}$ and an average of the separate Hurst exponents $\frac{1}{2}(H_x+H_y)$. We show that two cases are well theoretically founded. These are the cases when $H_{xy}=\frac{1}{2}(H_x+H_y)$ and $H_{xy}<\frac{1}{2}(H_x+H_y)$. However, we show that the case of...</\frac{1}{2}(h_x+h_y)$.>
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We propose a bootstrap-based robust high-confidence level upper bound (Robust H-CLUB) for assessing the risks of large portfolios. The proposed approach exploits rank-based and quantile-based estimators, and can be viewed as a robust extension of the H-CLUB method (Fan et al., 2015). Such an...
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Recent events such as the global financial crisis have renewed the interest in the topic of economic networks. One of the main channels of shock propagation among countries is the International Trade Network (ITN). Two important models for the ITN structure, the classical gravity model of trade...
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We study the solution's existence for a generalized Dynkin game of switching type which is shown to be the natural representation for general defaultable OTC contract with contingent CSA. This is a theoretical counterparty risk mitigation mechanism that allows the counterparty of a general OTC...
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In this paper we develop a new form of agent-based model for limit order books based on heterogeneous trading agents, whose motivations are liquidity driven. These agents are abstractions of real market participants, expressed in a stochastic model framework. We develop an efficient way to...
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