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The purpose of this paper is the presentation of distribution theory for generic estimators based on the pairwise comparison of observations in problems where identification is achieved through the use of control functions. The controls can be specified semi- or non-parametrically. The criterion...
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This note shows that the asymptotic variance of Chen’s [Econometrica, 70, 4 (2002), 1683–1697] two-step estimator of the link function in a linear transformation model depends on the first-step estimator of the index coefficients.
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In this note it is shown that the index coefficients and location parameters in the standard triangular binary-choice model are identifed under an assumption of symmetry on the joint density of the latent disturbances. Identifcation of average effects follows. The implied restrictions suggest...
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I discuss the fixed-effect estimation of panel data models with time-varying excess heterogeneity across cross-sectional units. These latent components are not given a parametric form. A modification to traditional first-differencing is motivated which, asymptotically, removes the permanent...
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Many econometric models can be analyzed as finite mixtures. We focus on two-component mixtures and we show that they are nonparametrically point identified by a combination of an exclusion restriction and tail restrictions. Our identification analysis suggests simple closed-form estimators of...
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Empirical models for panel data frequently feature fixed effects in both directions of the panel. Settings where this is prevalent include student-teacher interaction, the allocation of workers to firms, and the import-export flows between countries. Estimation of such fixed-effect models is...
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This paper presents simple approaches to deal with sample selection in models with multiplicative errors. GMM estimators are constructed for both cross-section data and for panel data. These estimators build only on a specification of the conditional mean of the outcome of interest and are,...
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We present a constructive identification proof of p-linear decompositions of q-way arrays. The analysis is based on the joint spectral decomposition of a set of matrices. It has applications in the analysis of a variety of latent-structure models, such as q-variate mixtures of p distributions....
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The aim of this paper is to provide simple nonparametric methods to estimate finite mixture models from data with repeated measurements. Three measurements suffice for the mixture to be fully identified and so our approach can be used even with very short panel data. We provide distribution...
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<p><p><p><p><p><p><p><p>In this paper, we document whether and how much the equalizing force of earnings mobility has changed in France in the 1990s. For this purpose, we use a representative three-year panel,the French Labour Force Survey. We develop a model of earnings dynamics that combines a flexible specification...</p></p></p></p></p></p></p></p>
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