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This article aims to identify the applied strategies for fiscal adjustments for the period 1996-2011 in European Union countries –there are determined the fiscal policy stance (neutral, relaxed, very relaxed, strict or very strict), there are considered the episodes of fiscal adjustment (a...
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This article aims to assess the impact of federal budget institutions on the primary deficit of the Brazilian Federal Government from 1985 to 2009, a period marked by important changes in these institutions. Based on the methodology established in the literature on political economy that is...
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and competition among policy makers, and budgeting processes internalizing the common pool externality. We review recent …
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This paper develops an index measuring the adequacy of the institutions, rules and procedures governing the budget process in 46 African countries, presenting the most comprehensive analysis of African budget institutions hitherto conducted. The index includes the three stages of the budget...
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This paper describes the budgetary reforms that took place over the last 20 years in Latin America. Using a newly developed index of budgetary institutions, it shows that numerical limits, procedural rules, and transparency help to explain fiscal results in Latin America
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Über dem Haushaltsentwurf der nordrhein-westfälischen Landesregierung für das Jahr 2024 schwebt die Schuldenbremse. Im Grunde kommt das Verbot der strukturellen Neuverschuldung auf Länderebene das erste Mal zum Tragen, nachdem die regulären Grenzen im Zeitraum von 2020 bis 2023 ausgesetzt...
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Die Corona-Pandemie belastet den Haushalt des Landes Nordrhein-Westfalen auch im kommenden Jahr. Das Ausrufen einer Notsituation für 2022 und damit das Aussetzen des regulären Verbots einer Nettoneuverschuldung ist nachvollziehbar und kann die wirtschaftliche Erholung stützen.
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This paper examines the rationale for the imposition of fiscal rules as a way to reduce budgetary imbalances. It presents theoretical arguments for the existence of a quot;fiscal deficit biasquot; and the empirical evidence on the economic, political and institutional factors leading to this...
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The draft law “On the Federal Budget in 2019 and the 2020-2021 Planned Period” suggests a budget maneuver in favor of productive expenditures. The federal budget is to become the main source of growth of the Russian economy in the next three years. There are problems related to the budget...
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Infolge der Herausforderungen durch Corona-Pandemie und Energiepreiskrise wird das Haushaltsvolumen des Landes Nordrhein-Westfalen (NRW) im Jahr 2023 deutlich steigen. Die Auflösung des NRW-Rettungsschirms wird dabei genutzt, um eine "Krisenbewältigungsrücklage" ins Leben zu rufen. Insgesamt...
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