Showing 61 - 70 of 79,521
A modification of the self-perturbed Kalman filter of Park and Jun (1992) is proposed for the on-line estimation of models subject to parameter instability. The perturbation term in the updating equation of the state covariance matrix is weighted by the measurement error variance, thus avoiding...
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A modification of the self-perturbed Kalman filter of Park and Jun (1992) is proposed for the on-line estimation of models subject to parameter instability. The perturbationterm in the updating equation of the state covariance matrix is weighted by the measurement error variance, thus avoiding...
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A modification of the self-perturbed Kalman filter of Park and Jun (1992) is proposed for the on-line estimation of models subject to parameter instability. The perturbation term in the updating equation of the state covariance matrix is weighted by the measurement error variance, thus avoiding...
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A modification of the self-perturbed Kalman filter of Park and Jun (1992) is proposed for the on-line estimation of models subject to parameter in stability. The perturbation term in the updating equation of the state covariance matrix is weighted by the measurement error variance, thus avoiding...
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This paper investigates the behavior of the EUR/CZK, EUR/HUF and EUR/PLN spot exchange rates in the period 2002–2008, using 5-minute intraday data. The authors find that daily returns on the corresponding exchange rates scaled by model-free estimates of daily realized volatility are...
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The classical realized variance (RV) estimator is biased due to microstructure effects and asset price jumps. Robust realized variance (RRV) estimators adjust for these biases, and make more efficient of use of the intraday data. This article examines the benefits of using RRV estimators instead...
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Using options-implied variance, a forward-looking measure of conditional variance, we revisit the debate on the idiosyncratic risk-return relation. In both cross-sectional (for individual stocks) and time-series (for the market index) regressions, we find a negative relation between...
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The classical realized variance (RV) estimator is biased due to microstructure effects and asset price jumps. Robust realized variance (RRV) estimators adjust for these biases, and make more efficient of use of the intraday data. This article examines the benefits of using RRV estimators instead...
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In this paper we propose exact likelihood-based mean-variance efficiency tests of the market portfolio in the context of Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM), allowing for a wide class of error distributions which include normality as a special case. These tests are developed in the framework of...
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An important issue in applications of multifactor models of asset returns is the appropriate number of factors. Most extant tests for the number of factors are valid only for strict factor models, in which diversifiable returns are uncorrelated across assets. In this paper we develop a test...
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