Showing 81 - 90 of 42,810
Do political regime and freedom have a significant effect on economic growth? This paper tries to maintain differences in three political regimes viz. autocracies, bureaucracies and democracies and examines whether these regimes have different features overall and within specific continents in...
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We develop a network-based vector autoregressive approach to uncover the interactions amongfinancial assets by integrating multiple realized measures based on high-frequency data. Undera restricted parameter structure, our approach allows the capture of cross-sectional and time ependencies...
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We analyze consumer demand behavior using Dynamic Random Utility Model (DRUM). Under DRUM, a consumer draws a utility function from a stochastic utility process in each period and maximizes this utility subject to her budget constraint. DRUM allows unrestricted time correlation and cross-section...
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In this paper we investigate the dynamic features of house prices in London. Using a generalized smooth transition model (GSTAR) we show that dynamic symmetry in price cycles in the London housing market is strongly rejected. We also show that the GSTAR model is able to replicate the features of...
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We capitalise on an opportunity in the UK Household Longitudinal Study, which asks respondents the same SAH question with identical wording two times. This is done once with a self-completion and once with an open interview mode within the same household interview over four waves. We estimate...
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The purpose of this paper is twofold: 1) to highlight the widely ignored but fundamental problem of ‘superpopulations’ for the use of inferential statistics in development studies. We do not to dwell on this problem however as it has been sufficiently discussed in older papers by...
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We propose a generalized method of moment (GMM) estimator of the number of latent factors in linear factor models. The method is appropriate for panels a large (small) number of cross-section observations and a small (large) number of time-series observations. It is robust to heteroskedasticity...
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We provide a comprehensive overview of latent Markov (LM) models for the analysis of longitudinal data. The main assumption behind these models is that the response variables are conditionally independent given a latent process which follows a first-order Markov chain. We first illustrate the...
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In the context of multilevel longitudinal data, where sample units are collected in clusters, an important aspect that should be accounted for is the unobserved heterogeneity between sample units and between clusters. For this aim we propose an approach based on nested hidden (latent) Markov...
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We consider a set of minimal identification conditions for dynamic factor models. These conditions have economic interpretations, and require fewer number of restrictions than when putting in a static-factor form. Under these restrictions, a standard structural vector autoregression (SVAR) with...
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