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This paper reports some preliminary results of the PLM survey, as they relate to migration flews in Pakistan. Section II reviews the implications of the data collection methodology, and is followed (in Section III) by an analysis of the major flows of internal migration. Section IV deals...
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This study attempts to analyse the priorities accorded to Education by the federal as well as the provincial governments. Since education is in large part a provincial responsibility, a comparative analysis of the performance of the public sector education in the four provinces of Pakistan would...
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This paper has the following objectives: • To provide information on Pakistan’s economy, labour and demography, education, and present situation in the TVET system and employment sectors; • To provide information about knowledge gaps and to make recommendations for further analysis and...
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The terms of reference of the study are appended below:- a. Assessment of the relevance of Charter of OPF to the needs of OPs and to enhance the welfare of OPs. b. Examination of decision making structure with a view to determine the extent and pattern of participation of stake-holders, as well...
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A survey conducted in 1975, as part of the World Fertility Survey programme, provided evidence that fertility began to decline in Pakistan during the early 1970s. Because of the low level of contraceptive use recorded in that survey, the fertility decline was attributed to delayed marriage....
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Productive utilization of youth is of critical importance for variety of reasons. Youth being the new entrants in the labour force offer an opportunity as well as a venue to elevate the employment structure to achieve higher levels of productivity. A prolonged spell of youth unemployment results...
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This paper is reflective of an attempt to construct a temporal profile of emigration from Pakistan over the past five decades. As detailed in the paper there have been distinct types of emigration streams distinguished on the basis of size, skill composition, duration of stay abroad and nature...
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This is the second working paper of the UNFPA/ILO Project "Assistance for formulation and implementation of National Population and Human Resource Development" SUD/68/P06. The informal sector survey, subject matter of this report was undertaken in May 1988. Organization of informal sector in...
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Education is effectively used as a discontinuous variable in studies estimating the rates of return by level of education. We find that the normal procedure used for estimating the rate of return to broad aggregates such as secondary and high understates the returns to these levels and...
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This paper attempts at documenting and analysing the volume and spatial pattern of Pakistani emigration during 1990's. Also an effort is made to describe the institutional structure, workers grievances and redressal mechanism. The findings of the research exercise are presented into four...
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