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The paper assesses the causal relationship between formal volunteering and individual health. The econometric analysis employs data provided by the Income and Living Conditions Survey for the United Kingdom carried out by the European Union’s Statistics (UK-SILC) in 2006. Based on 2SLS,...
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The prevalence of illnesses related to the modern diet and a more sedentary lifestyle has increased markedly over the last few decades. There is therefore a need for effective strategies to promote health and to reduce the prevalence of diet-related diseases. In this paper, we study the...
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We estimate the causal effect of permanent and premature exits from the labor force on mortality. To overcome the problem of negative health selection into early retirement, we exploit a policy change in unemployment insurance rules in Austria that allowed workers in eligible regions to exit the...
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The relationship between physical activity and child health and development is well-documented, yet the extant literature provides limited causal insight into the amount of physical activity considered optimal for improving any given health or developmental outcome. This paper exploits exogenous...
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We investigate the short- and long-term effects of retirement on loneliness using panel data from the Survey of Health, Aging, and Retirement in Europe. To estimate causal effects, we exploit differences in retirement eligibility rules across and within countries and use retirement thresholds in...
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This study examines the effects of urbanization on household health expenditure. Using a unique bi-annually household-level dataset from 2012-2016 from Vietnam, we obtain key findings as follows. To mitigate possible endogeneity concerns, we utilize a two-stage least squares regression (2SLS)...
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Understanding households' resilience strategies under uncertainties is important in several domains including social protection, adaptation to climate change, minimizing disaster-related risks, and humanitarian aid. At the same time, food security is an important problem for developing...
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Dynamic treatment regimes are treatment allocations tailored to heterogeneous individuals. The optimal dynamic treatment regime is a regime that maximizes counterfactual welfare. We introduce a framework in which we can partially learn the optimal dynamic regime from observational data, relaxing...
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Although there is ample research on what affects tax morale, empirical evidence that tax morale affects tax evasion is scarce. The reason for this scarcity, is the difficulty to connect a measure of tax morale to a reliable proxy of tax evasion. The primary contribution, is that I identify an...
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Dynamic treatment regimes are treatment allocations tailored to heterogeneous individuals. The optimal dynamic treatment regime is a regime that maximizes counterfactual welfare. We introduce a framework in which we can partially learn the optimal dynamic regime from observational data, relaxing...
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