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they know more about, even when their beliefs are held constant. (They are averse to "ambiguity", or uncertainty about … probability.) We review evidence, recent theoretical explanations, and applications of research on ambiguity and SEU. …
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to information differences (sampling bias), to a feature of preferences (ambiguity sensitivity) or to aspects of …
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This paper uses laboratory experiments to study subjects' assessment of uncertainty resulting from strategic and non-strategic decisions of other players. Nonstrategic events are defined by the colors of balls drawn from urns, whereas strategic events are defined by the action choice in Stag...
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importance of excuse-driven behavior is comparable under ambiguity and under risk. Individuals exploit any type of uncertainty as … individuals use this ambiguity strategically as a moral wiggle room to act less generously without feeling guilty. Such excuse …
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confidence and ambiguity attitudes in individual decision making. Different ambiguity settings not only can be determined by the … multistage experiment where subjects face different sources of ambiguity and where we are able to control for self …' ambiguity aversion. Our regressions show that the two measures are significantly correlated at the subject level, that the …
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Observed individual behavior in the presence of ambiguity is characterized by insufficient responsiveness to changes in … subjective likelihoods. Such likelihood insensitivity under ambiguity is integral to theoretical models and predictive of … and determining factors. This paper investigates the role of beliefs in the form of ambiguity perception - the extent to …
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information differences (sampling bias), to a feature of preferences (ambiguity sensitivity) or to aspects of cognition …
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, recent theoretical studies point out the possibility of its failure under ambiguity. We propose a modification of RIS, named … reversal-of-order axiom, a majority of ambiguity averse and seeking participants are. This implies that participants with … nonneutral ambiguity attitudes may not report truthful preferences when RIS is used. However, randomization attitudes do not …
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notions of second- order risk. This finding is robust even when there is only partial ambiguity, and is applicable to all … (KMM) interpret ambiguity aversion as aversion against second-order risks associated with ambiguous acts. We design an … utility all predict unequivocally that risk-averse decision makers (DMs) will avoid the 50 - 50 urn that exhibits the highest …
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I experimentally examine whether feedback about others' choices provides an anchor for decision-making under ambiguity … relative ambiguity attitude (compared to the peer's) significantly matters for shifts in individual attitudes, and that … dynamics considerably differ between gain and loss domains. For gains, learning to be comparably ambiguity averse increases the …
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