Showing 61 - 70 of 118
In this work a theoretical analysis of the osmosedimentation process is presented. We investigate the role played by small-density non-uniformities in inducing fluid circulation and mass transport in a viscous binary mixture under a strong centrifugal field. We find that a Boussinesq term...
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Flow and diffusion distributed structures (FDS) are stationary spatially periodic patterns that can be observed in reaction-diffusion-advection systems. These structures arise when the flow rate exceeds a certain bifurcation point provided that concentrations of interacting species at the inlet...
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Noise-induced absolute instability is demonstrated in computer experiments with a one-dimensional reaction–diffusion system. This phenomenon may occur in spatially extended flow systems of different nature, when the parameters are chosen close to the point of transition from convective to...
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Swimming bacteria of the species Bacillus subtilis require and consume oxygen. In static liquid cultures the cells' swimming behaviour leads them to accumulate up oxygen concentration gradients generated by consumption and supply. Since the density of bacterial cells exceeds that of the fluid in...
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We show here different methods to demonstrate the intrinsic mobility of cavity solitons and realize a number of cavity soliton trajectories. These methods are based on one hand, on the drift of cavity solitons in phase or amplitude gradients and on the other hand, on the recently discovered...
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One of the central issues in epidemiology is the study of the distribution of disease. And time delay widely exists in the process of disease spread. Thus, in this paper, we presented an epidemic model with spatial diffusion and time delay. By mathematical analysis, we find two different types...
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We formulate infinite dimensional stochastic robust optimal control problems, motivated by applications arising in interconnected economic systems, or spatially extended economies. We study in detail linear quadratic problems and nonlinear problems. We derive optimal robust controls and identify...
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Three major themes have emerged in the literature on patterns. These involve pattern recognition, pattern matching (do a set of observations match a particular pattern?) and pattern formation ( how does a pattern emerge?). The talk takes up each of these themes, presenting some economic examples...
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Spatial evolutionary games model individuals who are distributed in a spatial domain and update their strategies upon playing a normal form game with their neighbors. We derive integro-differential equations as deterministic approximations of the microscopic updating stochastic processes. This...
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Spatial evolutionary games model individuals who are distributed in a spa- tial domain and update their strategies upon playing a normal form game with their neighbors. We derive integro-differential equations as deterministic ap- proximations of the microscopic updating stochastic processes....
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