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Traditionally, the literature on forecasting exchange rates with many potential predictors have primarily only … forecasting horizons. …
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We run a real exchange rate forecasting "horse race", which highlights that two principles hold. First, forecasts … real exchange rate forecasting. However, it fails to forecast nominal exchange rates better than the random walk. We find …
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reversion and assume that relative prices are unchanged. Direct forecasting or panel data techniques are better than the random …
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Betting quotes provide valuable information on market-implied probabilities for outcomes of events like elections or referendums, which may have an impact on exchange rates. We generate exchange rate forecasts around such events based on a model that combines risk-neutral event probabilities...
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Models for the conditional joint distribution of the U.S. Dollar/Japanese Yen and Euro/Japanese Yen exchange rates, from November 2001 until June 2007, are evaluated and compared. The conditional dependency is allowed to vary across time, as a function of either historical returns or a...
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significant; therefore the use of final data on fundamentals in forecasting exchange rates may yield misleading inferences. By …
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We examine out of sample predictive power of real time monetary models with nonlinear adjustment in forecast errors for the Pound Sterling/US Dollar exchange rates. Real time revisions of U.K. and U.S. monetary aggregates and output are significant. By studying recursive out of sample forecast...
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Factor analysis performed on a panel of 23 nominal exchange rates from January 1999 to December 2010 yields three common factors. This paper identifies the euro/dollar, Swiss-franc/dollar and yen/dollar exchange rates as empirical counterparts to these common factors. These empirical factors...
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We construct factors from a cross section of exchange rates and use the idiosyncratic deviations from the factors to forecast. In a stylized data generating process, we show that such forecasts can be effective even if there is essentially no serial correlation in the univariate exchange rate...
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Factor analysis performed on a panel of 23 nominal exchange rates from January 1999 to December 2010 yields three common factors. This paper identifies the euro/dollar, Swiss- franc/dollar and yen/dollar exchange rates as empirical counterparts to these common factors. These empirical factors...
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