Showing 191 - 200 of 10,014
Social surveys are often used to estimate unemployment duration distributions. Survey non-response may then cause a bias. We study this by using a data set that combines survey information of individual workers with administrative records of the same workers. The latter provide information on...
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Across countries, women own significantly fewer businesses than do men. We show that this is due, in large part, to the fact that the propensity to start businesses of women is significantly lower than that of men. The lower propensity of women, in turn, appears to be highly correlated to...
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This paper investigates the occupational attainment and job mobility of permanent ruralto-urban migrants and compares them with migrants who were born with an urban hukou. Using data from the 2003 China General Social Survey, we examine how much of the gaps in occupational-prestige scores...
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Active labour market policies (ALMPs) may play an important role in preventing an increase in long-term unemployment following the Great Recession. We consider this issue for Denmark, a country relying extensively on this instrument. We present evidence on the effectiveness of ALMPs as a way of...
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There is a general presumption that social preferences can be ignored if markets are competitive. Market experiments (Smith 1962) and recent theoretical results (Dufwenberg et al. 2008) suggest that competition forces people to behave as if they were purely self-interested. We qualify this view....
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This empirical study examines how sources of reciprocity are related to work motivation by distinguishing positive and negative work attitudes in practical working environments. We move away from the unidimensional perspective of monetary compensation and investigate employees' reciprocal...
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After the introduction in Section 2, we very briefly sketch out current theoretical and empirical developments in the social sciences. In our view, they all point in the same direction: toward the acute and increasing need for multidisciplinary longitudinal data covering a wide range of living...
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Partnerships between immigrants and native-born citizens are commonly viewed as the product of successful social integration, as well as a possible driving force of economic success. Thus, immigrants living in inter-ethnic partnerships have on average a higher level of education, better...
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In der Wissenschaft wird zu Recht viel von den Daten der Volkszählung 2010/2011, dem ersten Zensus seit der deutschen Wiedervereinigung, erwartet. Während die Volkszählung in den 80er Jahren in Westdeutschland noch hoch kontrovers war, gab es bislang kaum Streit um die jetzt anstehende...
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Partnerschaften zwischen Migranten und Einheimischen gelten gemeinhin als Ergebnis erfolgreicher sozialer Integration und möglicherweise treibende Kraft hinter ökonomischem Erfolg. So verfügen inter-ethnisch lebende Migrantinnen und Migranten über eine höhere Schulbildung, einen besseren...
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