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This paper examines, within a dynamic framework, the role of information provision as a policy instrument to supplement environmental taxation. Several products are responsible for long term health problems as well as environmental damages. Many consumers do not possess the required information...
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Economic growth has traditionally been analyzed in the temporal domain, while the spatial dimension is captured by cross-country income differences. Data suggest great inequality in income per capita across countries, with a slight but noticeable increase over time (Acemoglu 2009). Seeking to...
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We study rational expectations equilibrium problems and social optimum problems in innite horizon spatial economies in the context of a Ramsey type capital accumulation problem with geographical spillovers. We identify sufficient local and global conditions for the emergence (or not) of optimal...
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We formulate infinite dimensional stochastic robust optimal control problems, motivated by applications arising in interconnected economic systems, or spatially extended economies. We study in detail linear quadratic problems and nonlinear problems. We derive optimal robust controls and identify...
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We introduce spatial spillovers as an externality in the production function of competitive firms operating within a finite spatial domain under adjustment costs. Spillovers attenuate with distance and the overall externality could contain positive and negative components with the overall effect...
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We present a selective review of migration and its connection with the economy, focusing on issues leading towards a modelling perspective.We introduce a class of models based on difference equations on directed graphs that may provide a quantitative and qualitative description of human...
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In view of the ambiguities and the deep uncertainty associated with climate change, we study the features of climate change policies that account for spatially structured ambiguity. Ambiguity related to the evolution of the natural system is introduced into a coupled economy-climate model with...
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We consider a robust control model for a spatially distributed commercial fishery under uncertainty, and in particular a tracking problem, i.e. the problem of robust stabilization of a chosen deterministic benchmark state in the presence of model uncertainty. The problem is expressed in the form...
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We present methods and tools that can be used to study dynamic environmental resource management in a spatial setting, to explore spatially dependent regulation, and to understand pattern formation.In particular we present the maximum principle and its use in the context of the emerging frontier...
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