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This paper studies a central bank's optimal interest rate corridor choice in the presence of an endogenous interbank network. We first provide a characterization of the unique equilibrium of banks' liquidity holdings for any network of credit lines. Then, we endogenize the network and show that...
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This paper presents a model of endogenous network formation in the presence of peer effects for a general class of payoff functions with local complementarities in effort levels and positive local externalities. Links are one-sided and agents move simultaneously. I find that equilibrium networks...
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I propose a game of signed network formation, where agents make friends to coerce payoffs from enemies with fewer friends. The model accounts for the interplay between friendship and enmity. Nash equilibrium configurations are such that, either everyone is friends with everyone, or agents can be...
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This paper presents a model of strategic network formation with local complementarities in effort levels and positive local externalities. Results are obtained for a general class of payoff functions, which subsumes the linear-quadratic specification frequently used in the literature. We assume...
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This paper presents a game-theoretic model of network formation, which allows agents to enter bilateral alliances and to extract payoffs from enemies. Each pair of agents creates a surplus of one, which allies divide in equal parts. If agents are enemies, then the agent with more allies obtains...
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This paper presents a simple model of strategic network formation with local complementarities in effort levels and positive local externalities for a general class of payoff functions. Results are obtained for one-sided and two-sided link creation. In both cases (pairwise) Nash equilibrium...
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We analyze a dual currency search model in which agents are allowed to hold multiple units of both currencies. Hence, agents hold portfolios of currency. We study equilibria in which the two currencies are identical and equilibria in which the two currencies differ according to the magnitude of...
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