Showing 51 - 60 of 393
Tobacco industry money has not been successful in recent years in buying support from lawmakers in Hawai'i. Since 2001, major legislation on clean indoor air, tobacco tax increases and a tobacco tax stamp measure have passed by comfortable margins. In 1994, the City Council of Honolulu passed...
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• The tobacco industry fights increases in cigarette excise taxes with inflated claims of smuggling and its associated crime. • The tobacco industry makes public statements regarding its commitment to stopping smuggling and the negative effects it has on their business, despite their...
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• Governor Gray Davis has proposed a $1.10 increase in the cigarette tax and Assembly Speaker Herb Wesson has proposed a $2.13 increase in the cigarette tax. • The state's Tobacco Education and Research Oversight Committee has noted that the California Tobacco Control Program has...
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The tobacco industry is a major political force in Nevada. The industry dominated state politics through a combination of strategic alliances with the hospitality and gaming industries and campaign contributions. From 1990-2006 the tobacco industry contributed $552,111 to the state political...
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Objective: To explore messages of psychosocial needs satisfaction in cigarette advertising targeting women and implications for tobacco control policy. Methods: Analysis of internal tobacco industry documents and public advertising collections. Results: Tobacco industry market research attempted...
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In the two years (May 10, 2007-May 10, 2009) since the Motion Picture Association of America (MPAA) announced that “all smoking will [now] be considered†in movie ratings, the MPAA has not elevated the rating of a single motion picture released to theaters because of its tobacco...
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Florida was an early and important battleground for local nonsmokers’ rights advocates vs. the tobacco industry. In the early 1980s, several cities in Florida passed what were at the time state-of-the art local clean indoor air ordinances. The tobacco industry responded by working through...
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Objective: To document the tobacco industry’s litigation strategy to impede tobacco control media campaigns. Methods: Data were collected from news and reports, tobacco industry documents, and interviews with health advocates and media campaign staff. Results: RJ Reynolds and Lorillard...
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* Tobacco control efforts in California during the 2001-2002 legislative session were hampered by the resurgence of the tobacco industry and a lack of commitment from the Davis Administration. * During the 2001-2002 legislative session, the tobacco industry spent a total of $5.95 million in...
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Bans on traditional tobacco advertising highlight the strongly promotional role of tobacco imagery in films and video programs. On World No-Tobacco Day 2005, less than a year after India implemented its universal ban on tobacco advertising, its Minister of Health and Family Welfare announced a...
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