Showing 51 - 60 of 810
This talk will introduce the main ideas of structural equation models (SEMs) with latent variables and Stata tools that can be used for such models. The two approaches most often used in the applied work are numeric integration of the latent variables and covariance structure modeling. The first...
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Stata is a command driven program. It is a general purpose statistical software package which is used by people of different backgrounds and professional disciplines. Most STATA users, however, are non-physicians. Since it is used by people of all fields, most training programs offered are...
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This presentation will show how to use of the new margins command, introduced in Stata 11, to explore interactions in regression and analysis of variance. The talk will cover three types of interactions: 1) categorical by categorical, 2) categorical by continuous, and 3) continuous by...
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This presentation discusses how to store, analyze, and present Stata output. I explain how to use my commands –regsave– and –svret– to save Stata output to a Stata-formatted dataset. Results can then be easily manipulated using standard Stata commands. I next...
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Several options for estimation and prediction in regressions using nonnegative skewed dependent variables are compared. Often, Poisson regression outperforms competitors, even when its assumptions are violated and the correct model is one that justifies a competitor.
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Stata's -mi- command can be used to perform multiple-imputation analysis, including imputation, data management, and estimation. -mi impute- provides a number of univariate and multivariate imputation methods, including MVN data augmentation. -mi estimate- combines the estimation and pooling...
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Project Heartbeat! was a longitudinal study of metabolic and morphological changes in adolescents aged 8-18 years and was conducted in the 1990s. A study is currently being conducted to consider the relationship between a collection of phenotypes including BMI, blood pressure and blood lipids...
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This addition to Stata enables extensive formatting of statistical tables created within Stata, creating native Word or TeX tables. Users can specify font sizes, font types, text justification, table cell height and width, cell boundary lines (of different styles), titles, labels, and footnotes,...
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Data on twins or on other types of family structures (for example, nuclear families, siblings, cousins) can be used to estimate the proportion of variability in observed traits (or phenotypes) that is due to genes. The models are essentially multivariate regression models with residual...
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In the context of his research on perceptual agreement, Cees van der Eijk (2001, Quality & Quantity: 35, 325–341) indicates that empirical measures that resort to the standard deviation of the response distribution capture not only consensus but also skewedness. Thus they are inappropriate...
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