Showing 49,981 - 49,990 of 53,716
We show that business cycles can emerge and proliferate endogenously in the economy due to the way economic agents learn, form their expectations, and make decisions regarding savings and production for future periods. There are no exogenous shocks of any kind to productivity or any other...
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This paper aims to study the stability properties of a two-period over- lapping generations model (OLG) with a progressive labor-income taxa- tion rule. In this case, wage income tax rates are increasing with agent's income. Each representative agent lives two periods: youth and adult- hood. In...
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Evidences from structural VAR show that new business formation positively co-moves with output under news shocks. The Jaimovich-Rebelo model augmented with firm dynamics can explain the empirical findings. The key assumption is endogenous survival rates for new entrants.
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In this note, we revisit the univariate unobserved-component (UC) model of US GDP by relaxing the traditional random-walk assumption of the permanent component. Since our general UC model is unidentified, we investigate the upper bound of the contribution of the transitory component, and find it...
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The paper demonstrates possibilities of both convergence to the steady state and emergence of stable growth cycles around it in a simple macrodynamic model of debt-financed investment-led growth. The growth cycles are robust and are generated endogenously, either due to the existence of a...
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This study provides evidence of the relationship between credit and real activity in Central America and the Dominican Republic. We address the empirics of the link between credit and real activity for the case of a group of developing countries with limited financial markets where bank credit...
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We model the supply side of the banking sector, two types of households, and a land asset collateral in a small open economy model that accounts for some of the most enduring features and provisions of the Franc Zone. The model is estimated using the Metropolis-Hasting algorithm and Cameroon's...
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The uncertainty of COVID-19 seriously disrupts the Congolese economy through various macroeconomic channels. This pandemic is influencing the management of monetary policy in its role as regulator of aggregate demand and guarantor of macroeconomic stability. We use a Bayesian VAR framework...
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What drives recessions and expansions? Since it was introduced in 2007, there have been hundreds of business cycle accounting (BCA) exercises, a procedure aimed at identifying classes of models that hold quantitative promise to explain a certain period of economic fluctuations. First, we...
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The corona virus pandemic has caused and will cause severe hardship for nearly all countries in the world. Government expenditures have gone up dramatically in many countries and tax revenues will drop substantially. Unemployment levels will reach historical highs according to the International...
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