Showing 31 - 40 of 2,895
Abstract: Adjustable robust optimization (ARO) is a technique to solve dynamic (multistage) optimization problems. In ARO, the decision in each stage is a function of the information accumulated from the previous periods on the values of the uncertain parameters. This information, however, is...
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This paper presents a new sequential method for constrained non-linear optimization problems.The principal characteristics of these problems are very time consuming function evaluations and the absence of derivative information. Such problems are common in design optimization, where time...
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The paper identifies classes of nonconvex optimization problems whose convex relaxations have optimal solutions which at the same time are global optimal solutions of the original nonconvex problems. Such a hidden convexity property was so far limited to quadratically constrained quadratic...
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In black box evaluation and optimization Latin hypercube designs play an important role.When dealing with multiple black box functions the need often arises to construct designs for all black boxes jointly, instead of individually.These so-called nested designs consist of two separate designs,...
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This paper proposes a new way to construct uncertainty sets for robust optimization. Our approach uses the available historical data for the uncertain parameters and is based on goodness-of-fit statistics. It guarantees that the probability that the uncertain constraint holds is at least the...
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Abstract: The Pareto set of a multiobjective optimization problem consists of the solutions for which one or more objectives can not be improved without deteriorating one or more other objectives. We consider problems with linear objectives and linear constraints and use Adjustable Robust...
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Abstract: We propose a new way to derive tractable robust counterparts of a linear conic optimization problem by using the theory of Beck and Ben-Tal [2] on the duality between the robust (“pessimistic”) primal problem and its “optimistic” dual. First, we obtain a new convex...
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In this paper, piecewise linear upper and lower bounds for univariate convex functions are derived that are only based on function value information. These upper and lower bounds can be used to approximate univariate convex functions. Furthermore, new Sandwich algo- rithms are proposed, that...
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The classic Kriging variance formula is widely used in geostatistics and in the design and analysis of computer experiments.This paper proves that this formula is wrong.Furthermore, it shows that the formula underestimates the Kriging variance in expectation.The paper develops parametric...
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