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essential. The robustness of such inferences is dependent on sample size. The purpose of this study is to examine the impact of …
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We develop a theory of optimal stopping problems under ambiguity in continuous time. Using results from (backward) stochastic calculus, we characterize the value function as the smallest (nonlinear) supermartingale dominating the payoff process. For Markovian models, we derive an adjusted...
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reveal about design robustness is demonstrated, and practical limitations to its use are revealed. Second, a new mathematical … technique is presented that expands capabilities for analyzing robustness to multiple info-gap uncertainties simultaneously. The …
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A methodology for the conceptual design phase risk assessment of an aerospace system was proposed. The method was designed to examine political, social, and economic risk over a systems lifecycle through the use of future scenarios to bound uncertainty. A decision support framework was developed...
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Often in the early stages of the engineering design process, a decision maker lacks the information needed to represent uncertainty in the input parameters of a performance model. In one particular form of severely deficient information, a nominal estimate is available for an input parameter,...
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depend on robustness properties of the solution concepts adopted. Chapter 1 discusses recent results in this research area … attention in the literature (namely, the distinction between knowledge and certainty), raising novel questions of robustness …
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In this study, I investigate the robustness of the idiosyncratic volatility puzzle to the configuration of the research …
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findings and propose a few robustness checks. Apart from two regression outputs for which the signs and significance do not …
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We propose a framework for estimation and inference when the model may be misspecified. We rely on a local asymptotic approach where the degree of misspecification is indexed by the sample size. We construct estimators whose mean squared error is minimax in a neighborhood of the reference model,...
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We study contracting when both principal and agent have to exert noncontractible effort for production to take place. An analyst is uncertain about what actions are available and evaluates a contract by the expected payoffs it guarantees to each party in spite of the surrounding uncertainty....
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