Showing 1 - 10 of 71
The industrial organization of transactions has changed dramatically during the past decade (Thompson and Wright, 1988). Several scholars have discussed and documented the phenomenon of what has been called `the shrinking organization'' (Ford and Farmer, 1986; Lichtenberg, 1992). The apparent...
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This paper focuses on the analysis of size distributions of innovations, which are known to be highly skewed. We use patent citations as one indicator of innovation significance, constructing two large datasets from the European and US Patent Offices at a high level of aggregation, and the...
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Network formation within the BRITE-EURAM program is investigated. We describe the role of the hub of the network, which is defined as the set of main contractors that account for most of the participations. We study the effects that the conflict of objectives within European research funding...
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Neoclassical economists argue that competition promotes efficiency. They consider technology as given though. In the long run technological progress is an important determinant of the level of welfare and Schumpeter argued that monopoly rents help entrepreneurs to capture the gains of R&D and...
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This note shows that the antilog of Shannon’s entropy is a suitableindex of product variety for three reasons. First, for symmetricproduct types it is equal to the number of product types. Second, disaggregationof the underlying product set always leads to an increasein measured product...
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Sign-compatible dynamics describe changes in the composition of a population driven by differences in fitness. A saturated equilibrium is a fixed point for sign-compatible dynamics where each subgroup with positive population share has highest fitness. An evolutionary stable equilibrium is a...
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In this experimental study we analyse three collective and one individual punishmentrule in a public good setting. We show that under all punishment rules cooperationis stronger and more sustainable than reported from settings without punishment.Moreover, we present evidence and explanations for...
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The human capital-augmented Solow model (Mankiw et al., 1992) has been criticized by Cho and Graham (1996) by stating that half of all countries converge to their steady state from above, i.e. from income levels above those obtained in their steady state. This is clearly at odds with the general...
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We develop a model of an innovative industry to examine how information technology, by both enhancing matching efficiency and knowledge sharing, can have an ambiguous effect on the total amount of innovation. We consider a population of firms holding different knowledge expertise, and forming...
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This paper is concerned with the question of how to define the core when cooperation takes place in a dynamic setting. The focus is on dynamic cooperative games in which the players face a finite sequence of exogenously specified TU-games. Three different core concepts are presented: the...
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