Showing 61 - 70 of 10,877
To estimate causal effects of college choice, we exploit eligibility rules for student loans in a regression discontinuity design. Loan programs induce students to pursue college degrees that are more expensive and prolonged relative to technical education. Although higher education is...
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This paper examines the effect of the government college loan program in Korea on student academic performance, dropout decisions and loan defaults. While fairness in educational opportunities has been guaranteed to some degree through this program, which started in 2009, there has been a great...
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As concerns over growing levels of student loan debt continue to mount for both students and taxpayers, many have called for an improved accountability system in the U.S. higher education system. In this policy brief, I discuss the many flaws in our current system, and outline how a system known...
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Die unbefriedigenden Zustände im Bildungswesen haben viel mit der föderalen Struktur des Landes zu tun. Grundsätzlich ist die Bildung Ländersache, aber in der Landespolitik haben die bundesgesetzlich definierten Aufgaben nach Art. 83 GG Priorität vor denen, für die die Länder selbst...
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Viele Bachelor-Studierende in Deutschland sind neben ihrem Studium erwerbstätig. Sie investieren dabei nicht unerheblich viel Zeit in ihren Nebenjob: Gemessen an der Regelstudienzeit beträgt das Arbeitsvolumen im Durchschnitt rund 20 Prozent. Bei einer durchgehenden Erwerbstätigkeit während...
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This survey organizes and discusses the theoretical and empirical literature on the determinants of university student achievements. According to the theoretical framework, the decision to invest in tertiary education is a sequential process made under gradually decreasing levels of uncertainty...
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This paper provides an overview of the higher education sector in Canada, so it can serve as a comparison to that in Australia. It seeks to identify stresses and challenges to this sector in Canada. The study also seeks to offer possible lessons for the direction of higher education policy in...
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This paper provides a systematic review of the literature that employs stochastic frontier analysis to measure the efficiency of higher education institutions. The overview opens with a look at the general development of the literature, before emphasis is laid on the methodical aspects. Focus is...
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Wissenschaftliche Weiterbildung gehört zwar nach dem Willen des Gesetzgebers zu den Kernaufgaben der Hochschulen. Gleichwohl sind die Aktivitäten in diesem Bereich marginal. Fehlende Handlungsanreize und die handlungsleitende Wichtigkeit der Forschungsreputation sind lang bestehende Gründe...
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This paper studies whether higher education tuition fees influence the intention to acquire a university degree among high school students and, if so, whether the effect on individuals from low-income households is particularly strong. We analyze the introduction and subsequent elimination of...
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