Showing 121 - 130 of 191
International performance comparisons are very attractive to policy-makers, with good reason. In the absence of any practical criteria for judging optimal performance, cross-country comparisons offer one of the few ways in which policy-makers can assess performance outcomes of policy measures...
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In recent years public policies for science, technology and innovation have attracted increased attention as a result of claims that knowledge-intensive industries are now at the core of growth, and that we are now entering a completely new form of 'knowledge society'. The objectives of this...
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R&D intensity indicators are increasingly used not only for international comparisons, but also as targets for policies stimulating research. The two are of course intimately linked: it makes little sense to set a quantitative policy target when not knowing whether it is high or low compared to...
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This paper examines whether there are differences in private R&D investment performance between the EU and the US and, if so, why. The study is based on data from the 2008 EU Industrial R&D Investment Scoreboard. The investigation assesses the effects of several very distinct factors that can...
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This report is an overview of existing information on the Oslo region, drawn up as part of the Oslo region RITTS project. The objective of this part of the project is to collect, summarise and interpret existing information relevant to production, innovation and technology transfer in the Oslo...
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This paper addresses a central problem for economic analysis and public policy in Europe. Should Europe focus on so-called high-technology or science-based industries in attempting to solve growth and employment problems? Or should it look to the growth prospects within the industries on which...
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Bakgrunnen for denne artikkelen er ideen om at en industris vekst og utvikling er avhengig av dens teknologiske fundament. De industrier som innehar teknologiske muligheter for produkt-og prosessinnovasjoner, betegner vi som dynamiske industrier. Det er disse underliggende innovasjonsmulighetene...
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Hvilken betydning har andre faktorer enn forskning og utvikling for innovasjon. Det er velkjent at bedrifter anvender store ressurser på design, opplæring, markedsutvikling og liknende i tillegg til FoU. Design dreier seg om ikke kun om estetiske kvaliteter ved et produkt, men også om...
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The objective of this report is to describe and analyse policy debates on information and communication technology (ICT) in Norwegian and international policy milieus. While there are many directions from which such debates could be analysed, we approach the issue in terms of basic policy...
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The EU commission initiated a large-scale project for the collection of innovation data on a European basis. The aim was to create a co-ordinated ";European Innovation Survey";. The project began in 1992 with the development and testing of questionnaires, and was followed in 1993-94 by the...
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