Showing 7,461 - 7,470 of 7,546
High food prices have put increasing inflationary pressures across the Asia-Pacific region and threatened food security. Bad weather in important food-producing countries and speculation in commodity markets have affected global food supplies and added volatility to booming commodity markets...
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This study uses the stochastic production frontier to analyze technical efficiency of tea production in northeastern Vietnam. Our study estimated that the average technical efficiency of tea production is very low, only about 32%. Technical efficiency can be improved by having a training on sale...
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In recent years, European farmers have been facing two new phenomena: agricultural commodity price volatility and a decrease in agricultural added value. These issues led the High Level Forum to censure low transparency in relationships between firms and frequently unfair commercial practices,...
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This work illustrates the acceptability of innovations in the Italian dairy supply chain. The research is part of a larger study financed by the EU Commission (EU-FP7 SOLID - "Sustainable Organic and Low-Input Dairying") aimed at optimising the financial, agronomic and nutritional aspects of the...
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In this paper, the focus is on regional disparities in agricultural income, particularly in the context of agricultural price fluctuations and the impact of agricultural policy. In a first step, a theoretical model explaining regional disparities in farming revenues is presented. The following...
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Avrupa Birliği’ne tam üyelik sürecinde Türkiye’nin karşılaşacağı en zorlu müzakere başlıklarından birisi hiç şüphesiz “tarım”dır. Bu çalışmanın amacı; üyelik süreci ve sonrasında Avrupa Birliği ile uyumlulaşma sonucunda ortaya çıkacak gıda ürünleri fiyat...
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The potential benefit of several regional integration initiatives undertook by African countries in recent years is a contentious issue that is continuously being debated. This article assesses the impact of a free trade agreement between member countries of the Southern African Development...
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This study explores the impact of strategic orientation dimensions on new product development capability of firms in the agro-business industry. The study based on questionnaires administered to selected agro-based firms in Lagos and Ogun states (Nigeria) utilized descriptive statistics,...
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While the rest of Latin America followed outward-looking policies of agrarian development during the 1990s and early 2000s, Cuba implemented an inward-looking model during this period. In the midst of the most severe crisis in its history, the Special Period, Cuba dramatically shifted from...
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Fertő Imre könyvének nincs előzménye a magyar nyelvű szakirodalomban, a tankönyvekében pedig különösképpen nincs. Ebből a könyvből a felsőbb évfolyamos vagy posztgraduális képzésben részesülő egyetemi hallgató megtanulhatja, hogy miféle elméleti feltevéseken alapuló...
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