Showing 11 - 20 of 418
In this paper we solve an optimal stopping problem with an infinite time horizon, when the state variable follows a jump-diffusion. Under certain conditions our solution can be interpreted as the price of an American perpetual put option, when the underlying asset follows this type of process. <p>...</p>
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A standard result states that under decreasing absolute risk aversion the indifference premium of the insured is a decreasing function of wealth. This has been interpreted to mean that insurance is an inferior good, which has been considered as a puzzle in insurance theory, in particular since...
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We compare the Nash bargaining solution in a reinsurance syndicate to the competitive equilibrium allocation, focusing on uncertainty and risk aversion. Restricting attention to proportional reinsurance treaties, we find that, although these solution concepts are very different, one may just...
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The paper discusses situations where certain parameters are given values that are outside their natural ranges. One case is obtained when plugging in a negative value for the volatility parameter in the Black and Scholes formula. This leads to seemingly "new" results. <p> A different setting is...</p>
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The paper develops a consumption based equilibrium model, focusing on the risk premium and the risk-free interest rate. We derive testable expressions for these quantities, and confront these with sample estimates for the 20. century. Our framework is a dynamic model in continuous time, allowing...
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In this paper we solve an optimal stopping problem with an infinite time horizon, when the state variable follows a jump-diffusion. Under certain conditions our solution can be interpreted as the price of an American perpetual put option, when the underlying asset follows this type of process....
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The continuous-time version of Kyle's (1985) model of asset pricing with asymmetric information is studied, and generalized in various directions, i.e., by allowing time-varying liquidity trading, and by having weaker a priori assumptions on the model. This extension is made possible by the use...
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In his classical article in The American Economic Review, Arthur Raviv (1979) examines Pareto optimal insurance contracts when there are ex-post insurance costs c induced by the indemnity I for loss x. Raviv’s main result is that a necessary and sufficient condition for the Pareto optimal...
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In the classical Kalman-Bucy filter and in the subsequent literature so far, it has been assumed that the initial value of the signal process is independent of both the noise of the signal and of the noise of the observations.The purpose of this paper is to prove a filtering equation for a...
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Risk-sharing in insurance is analyzed, with a view towards explaining the prevalence of deductibles. First we introduce, in a modern setting, the main concepts of the theory of risk-sharing in a group of agents. This theory we apply to the risk-sharing problem between an insurer and an insurance...
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