Showing 81 - 87 of 87
Pedagogical research has long been a part of the curriculum of education students. The article analyzes its history during the 20th century. The author determines several interdependent functions of pedagogical research (viz., education, personality development, social competence development,...
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The article presents an analysis of work values and norms as presented in primary school textbooks. The latter function as a socialization channel in the education sphere. The author relates the specifics of work values and norms represented by textbooks to the socioeconomic and ideological...
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Joanna Schiller-Walicka - Professor, Institute for the History of Science, Polish Academy of Sciences (Warsaw). Address: al. Solidarności 105, Warszawa, Polska. E-mail: j.schiller@onet.euSome widespread beliefs about school and instruction in Poland need to be reexamined. It would be an...
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Takhir Aminov - Doctor of Science, Professor, Chair of Pedagogy of Akmullah Bashkir State Pedagogical University; Chief Research Worker, Institute of Socialization and Education of the Russian Academy of Education. Address: 3a, Octyabrskoy revolutsii str., Ufa, 450097, Bashcortostan, Russian...
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Ekaterina Zharova - Candidate of Sciences in Biology, Independent Researcher. E-mail: zharova_ekaterina@bk.ruThe first half of the 19th century witnessed the evolution of the university system in the Russian Empire, which ended in the reign of Nicholas I. Particularly, rules of organizing...
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Maksim Kail, Ph.D. in History, Associate Professor at Smolensk State University, Smolensk, Russian Federation. Email: Address: 4 Przhevalskogo St., Smolensk, 214000, Russian Federation.As exemplified by organization of Smolensk State University, one of the first six universities...
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Elena Penskaja, D.Sc. in Philology, Dean of the Faculty of Philology, Head of the Literature Department, National Research University - Higher School of Economics, Moscow, Russian Federation. Email: The paper reviews the methods used to describe historical processes in...
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