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market on productivity and employment with firm-level data using matching and difference-in-difference techniques. We end up …
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-- Experiments -- Matching -- Instrumental Variables -- Regression Discontinuity Design -- Panel Data and fixed effects -- Difference … packages for specific causal inference techniques like ggdag, Matching, rdrobust, dosearch etc. are used in the book. The book …, matching, panel data, difference-in-differences, regression discontinuity design, instrumental variables and meta …
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training on employment probability and labour income is estimated by combining propensity score matching with coarsened exact … matching. The impact on the probability of being employed is found to be positive after the end of the lock-in effect. Two …
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Many commonly used treatment effects estimators rely on the unconfoundedness assumption ("selection on observables") which is fundamentally non-testable. When evaluating the effects of labor market policies, researchers need to observe variables that affect both treatment participation and labor...
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discussed: traditional regression methods, matching, control function methods, instrumental variable and local instrumental …
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-based matching and weighting estimators frequently applied to evaluate the average treatment effect on the treated. We analyse both … ones in terms of size and power for both matching and weighting estimators. Furthermore, the results are qualitatively …
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matching process using German regional labour market data. For a fixed matching technology, the Beveridge curve postulates a …
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Involuntary job loss in administrative data is commonly identified by focusing on mass-layoffs or plant closures. However, such events usually do not happen without prior knowledge, which potentially leads to selection in the labor turnover of distressed firms. We find that workers separating...
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This paper presents a generalized moments (GM) approach to estimating an R-th order spatial regressive process in a panel data error component model. We derive moment conditions to estimate the parameters of the higher order spatial regressive process and the optimal weighting matrix required to...
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