Showing 41 - 50 of 88
Parallel principal axes are introduced and used to investigate the structure of multivariate distributions. In the class of elliptical distributions, it is shown that self-consistency of parallel principal axes characterizes normality. Parallel principal axes are used to illustrate the...
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In this paper, functional models with not replications are investigated within the class of the elliptical distributions. Emphasis is placed on the special case of the Student-t distribution. Main results encompasses consistency and asymptotic normality of the maximum likelihood estimators. Due...
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Idiosyncratic security risks are modelled as following a joint spherical distribution characterized by a mean vector and a generalized covariance matrix. Skewness is generated by a single factor for the whole economy, but upon which different securities have different loadings. This results in...
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Sequential maximum likelihood and GMM estimators of distributional parameters obtained from the standardised innovations of multivariate conditionally heteroskedastic dynamic regression models evaluated at Gaussian PML estimators preserve the consistency of mean and variance parameters while...
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In this paper portfolio problems with linear loss functions and multivariate elliptical distributed returns are studied. We consider two risk measures, Value-at-Risk and Conditional-Value-at-Risk, and two types of decision makers, risk neutral and risk averse. For Value-at-Risk, we show that the...
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This paper proposes several extensions of the concept of runs to the multivariate setup, and studies the resulting tests of multivariate randomness against serial dependence. Two types of multivariate runs are defined: (i) an elliptical extension of the spherical runs proposed by Marden (1999),...
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