Showing 101 - 110 of 506
A particular tariff option is said to be foggy when another option or a combination of other tariff options offered by the same firm is always less expensive regardless of the usage profile of any customer. Alternatively tariff fogginess may refer to the whole set of tariff options and it is...
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Richard Meade presented The Multinationalisation of New Zealand Agri-Businesses: Drivers Implications Issues and Opportunities In Wellington on 6 December 2007. A recent report by Lew Evans and Richard Meade for MAF* highlights that New Zealand's major agricultural sectors are increasing their...
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Dr Paul Rappoport presented Voice-Over-IP: Hype vs. Reality in Auckland on July 2004.
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Lewis Evans, at a half day seminar presented, Measuring and developing the performance of New Zealand's power market in September 2003. A more detailed paper by Kevin Counsell and Lewis Evans entitled Day-Ahead Electricity Markets: Is there a Place for a Day-Ahead Market in the NZEM is available...
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Despite an apparent absence of supply side impediments to the uptake of broadband New Zealand has persistently exhibited one of the lowest numbers of connections per capita in the OECD. Whilst geographic demographic and economic factors may partially explain the disparity they fail to explain...
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New Zealand has introduced legislation to implement the world's first 'all sectors all gases' emissions trading scheme (ETS) as a way of reducing the country's greenhouse gas emissions. The Scheme is to retrospectively introduce a price for carbon emissions in forestry from 1 January 2008 and...
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Economic analysis takes as its defining performance benchmark the pursuit of increases in welfare (efficiency). Competition is merely one of a variety of means of achieving the efficiency end especially in industries where the underlying economic circumstances predispose them towards greatest...
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As public policies seek to advance deployment of enhanced broadband infrastructure as a means of acquiring economic advantage the issue has arisen of the extent that additional economic performance accrues from increases in headline bandwidth speed in locations that are physically remote from...
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There are many geographic and demographic similarities between Finland and New Zealand but their telecommunications markets show marked differences. Finland has seen greater broadband penetration and a higher degree of voice traffic substitution from fixed to mobile connections while New Zealand...
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This report suggests that the telecommunications market in New Zealand is surprisingly mature. We infer that the potential for growth is limited. There has been negligible growth in any of the number of fixed lines either business or residential since 2000. The number of residential lines is...
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