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The article deals the mathematical model of elasticity ratio of demand and supply functions as well as a function of income. Demonstrated the practical application of the coefficient of elasticity to support the adoption of effective economic decisions
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The article deals the mathematical model of elasticity ratio of demand and supply functions as well as the application of formalized mathematical models in tax policy
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The author investigates the problem of interdisciplinary synthesis of scientific knowledge in economic education. Is an example of the integration of mathematics and economics in the context of a comprehensive study of economic processes. The possibilities of using the mathematical model of...
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The author investigates the problem of integration in economic education. The possibilities of the method of mathematical modeling as a tool for integration of mathematics, computer science and economic disciplines
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The author reveals the methodological features of teaching mathematics in the context of improving the quality of economic preparation of students. Emphasizes the importance of the method of mathematical modeling for Economic Education
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The author investigates the problem of teaching students the modeling of economic processes in the course of mathematics. The methodological characteristics and examples of the use of different types of econometric models
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The author explores the possibility of using simulation in economic education. Shows the continuity of economic and mathematical modeling and simulation. Highlighted the benefits of simulation in the implementation of the integrative bonds mathematics, computer science and disciplines of...
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The author investigates the problem of professional orientation of mathematical preparation of students of economic high school. The necessity of implementing the competency approach in learning
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The author examines the question of the psychological and didactic teaching mathematical modeling features of student financial colleges. The possibility of formation of creative thinking of future specialists of the financial sphere in the process of teaching mathematics
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The author analyzes the possibilities of the method of mathematical modeling in solving specific economic problems. The role of a combination of mathematical modeling of real processes and their simulation on the computer
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