Showing 181 - 190 of 1,071
This paper addresses a problem with an argument in Kranich, Perea, and Peters (2005) supporting their definition of the Weak Sequential Core and their characterization result. We also provide the remedy, a modification of the definition, to rescue the characterization.
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During large sporting events criminal behaviour may impact on criminal behaviour via three main channels: (i) fan concentration, (ii) self incapacitation, and (iii) police displacement. In this paper I exploit information on football (soccer) matches for nine London teams linked to detailed...
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This paper uses longitudinal test data to analyze the relation between retirement and cognitivedevelopment. Controlling for individual fixed effects, we find that retirees face greater declinesin information processing speed than those who remain employed. However, remarkably, theircognitive...
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The performance of wireless networks suffers from collisions. These occur when multiplewireless nodes transmit simultaneously, and their signals interfere with each other. To reduce collisions, nodes may use a randomized protocol to regulate their behavior. An example of such a protocol is...
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We study the impact of strategic commitment on cooperation in indefinitely repeated games ofstrategic substitutes (Cournot) and complements (Bertrand) using laboratory experiments. Overall,strategic commitment has no effect on cooperation with strategic substitutes and a negative onewith...
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We conduct a repeated VCM (voluntary contribution mechanism) experiment using thestrategy method. We compare a partner and a stranger design and find that participantsin the partner treatment provide (i) higher initial contributions, (ii) higher contributionson average over all periods, and...
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This paper attempts to predict the bear conditions on the US stock market. To this aim weelaborate simple predictive regressions, static and dynamic binary choice (BCM) as well asMarkov-switching models. The in- and out-of-sample prediction ability is evaluated and we comparethe forecasting...
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This paper discusses and illustrates identification problems in personality psychology. The measures used by psychologists to infer traits are based on behaviors, broadly defined. These behaviors are produced from multiple traits interacting with incentives in situations. In general, measures...
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Individual disagreements are assumed to be reflected in the preferences. Distance functions, e.g.,the well-known Kemeny (1959) distance, are used to measure these disagreements. However, adisagreement on how to rank the top two alternatives may be perceived more (or less) than adisagreement on...
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Although both economists and psychologists seek to identify determinants of heterogeneity inbehavior, they use different concepts to capture them. In this review we first analyze theextent to which economic preferences and psychological concepts of personality - such as the BigFive and locus of...
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