Showing 81 - 90 of 626
The purpose of this paper is to investigate the asymptotic null distribution of stationarity and nonstationarity tests when the distribution of the error term belongs to the normal domain of attraction of a stable law in any finite sample but the error term is an i.i.d. process with finite...
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Colin Clark elaborò un teorema empirico che stabiliva una relazione inversa tra reddito pro capite e occupati nel primario. In questo lavoro abbiamo effettuato una verifica per gli anni 1960, 1970, 1980,1990, 2001. Abbiamo verificato che esiste una relazione tra crescita economica e struttura...
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The paper proposes a methodology to measure the characteristics of intermediate products when quality is multidimensional. It uses a general representation of the multioutput technology via directional distance functions and constructs quality indicators based on differences. The quality...
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Vengono indagati gli aspetti più peculiari dell'attività sportiva collegandoli con il processo di sviluppo potenzialmente concernente una data zona. In tale contesto, si enfsatizza l'azione esercitabile dalle autorità locali per promuovere e favorire l'espressione sportiva, trainante virtuali...
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In this paper we investigate the valuation and optimal timing of the launch of two complementary/substitute products (or projects), one of which is a pilot product. As a first step, we study the problem from a strategic point of view and analyze the ability of the pilot product per se to create...
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le grandi tappe storiche dell'integrazione europea; i Trattati di Amsterdam e di Nizza; l'allargamento ad est; i criteri di Copenaghen; i negoziati di adesione.
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The paper analyzes the relationship between trade, financial integration and business cycle synchronization in the euro area. The introduction of the euro has had a noticeable impact on European financial markets: we find evidence that capital markets integration exerts a positive effect on...
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Do good looks make people more productive? An impact of looks on earnings has been found in the empirical literature: plain people earn less than average-looking people who earn less than the good-looking. However, an important question remains unanswered: is the impact of beauty due to pure...
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