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This paper is aimed at investigating the impact of globalization in Indonesia from long term recorded history. The methodology in this paper is focused on the literature survey with the qualitative analysis. The result shows that the presence of globalization in Indonesia tends to put the...
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This work is based on a programme of work in Palanpur from 1974, based primarily at the LSE, and uses two previous studies from the Agricultural Economics Research Centre of the University in Delhi from 1957/8 and 1962/3. There are now six surveys of the village, one for every decade since...
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The recent rapid growth of China’s economy has reopened historical debate about the extent to which it prospered during the Míng and Qīng dynasties (1368-1911) through developing a significant market orientation on the base of its underlying agricultural bureaucratic feudalism. As a...
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In advanced economies interest rates generally vary inversely with the borrower’s socio-economic status, because status tends to depend inversely on default risk. Both of these relationships depend critically on the impartiality of the law. Specifically, they require a lender to be able to sue...
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Çaðdaþ dönem öncesi Ortadoðu ekonomisinin Ýslam hukukuna dayanan kilit kurumlarý, demokratik kurumlarýn geliþimini engelledi. Bu konuþma, kritik rol oynayan üç mekanizmayý tanýmlamaktadýr. Kur’an’da belirtilen vergi sistemi yönetim üzerinde kalýcý ve güvenilir...
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Arabské kráľovstvo v Sýrii počas svojej krátkej existencie nominálne spravovalo aj územie za riekou Jordán. Po rozhodnutiach urobených v Paríži a v San Reme sa stalo súčasťou palestínskeho mandátu a tvorilo pozemné spojenie medzi Britmi ovládanou Palestínou a Irakom....
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This is a critical evaluation of the book entitled The Long Divergence:How Islamic Law Held Back the Middle East by Timur Kuran.
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Sustainable architecture aims to design buildings and infra-structures, such as squares and bazaars, adapted to the social, economic, cultural and environmental contexts of certain place. The practice of sustainable architecture contributes to sustainable development, therefore for the...
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The establishment of the Government Industrial Institute in Madras in 1919 coincided with the development of chemical engineering as a distinct discipline at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. It would thus be unhistorical to expect that ready made chemical engineering expertise would...
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