Showing 91 - 100 of 184
We study the semilinear partial differential equation (PDE) associated with the non-linear BSDE characterizing buyer's and seller's XVA in a framework that allows for asymmetries in funding, repo and collateral rates, as well as for early contract termination due to counterparty credit risk. We...
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We introduce an equity-credit portfolio framework taking into account the structural interaction of market and credit risk, along with their systemic dependencies. We derive a closed-form expression for the optimal investment strategy in stocks and credit default swaps (CDSs). We exploit its...
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We develop a novel framework for computing the total valuation adjustment (XVA) of a European claim accounting for funding costs, counterparty credit risk, and collateralization. Based on no-arbitrage arguments, we derive the nonlinear backward stochastic differential equations (BSDEs)...
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We develop an empirically-based simulation study to test policies designed to control systemic risk. We consider preventive policies targeting capital requirements and mitigation policies targeting default resolution. We find that capital buffers reduce both defaults and losses. The loss...
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We propose a multi-period clearing framework, where the level of systemic risk is mitigated through provision of liquidity assistance. The interbank liability network evolves stochastically over time, and assets of defaulted banks are sold to qualified banks within the network through a first...
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We study the portfolio selection problem of banks which account for fire-sale spillovers. Our analysis highlights the fundamental trade-off between diversification at the individual and systemic level. While sacrificing individual diversification benefits to reduce portfolio commonality...
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This paper develops a new framework for the design of collateral requirements in a centrally cleared market. Clearing members post collateral - initial margins and default funds - to increase their pledgeable income, thereby credibly committing to risk management. We show that initial margins...
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Does Bitcoin's proof-of-work (PoW) protocol serve its intended purpose of enabling and supporting a decentralized payment system? To address this question, we develop a game theoretical model where firms invest in research and development (R&D) before competing in a Bitcoin mining game. We show...
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We introduce a reinforcement learning framework for retail robo-advising. The robo-advisor does not know the investor's risk preference, but learns it over time by observing her portfolio choices in different market environments. We develop an exploration-exploitation algorithm which trades off...
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We introduce an arbitrage-free framework for robust valuation adjustments. An investor trades a credit default swap portfolio with a risky counterparty, and hedges credit risk by taking a position in defaultable bonds. The investor does not know the exact return rate of her counterparty's bond,...
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