Showing 71 - 80 of 144
In the article it is marked about the unsatisfactory being of the fixed assets of production in a railway transport, and in particular passenger carriages, park of freight carriages and part of infrastructure of railway transport. Basic tasks which stand before a transport-travelling complex...
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Basic theoretical positions of forming of the combined economic potential of railway transport of Ukraine are considered. Basic forms and facilities of management by the combined economic potential of railway transport are offered.
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It is proved that the existing level of quality of transport services, Railways does not correspond to the General development trends of the industry. The necessity of introduction in practice of activity of Ukrainian Railways basics of strategic quality management of transport services, based...
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In the article experience of creation and functioning of transport-logistic centers is probed in ES. A basic factor which must define principles of construction transport of logistic centers in Ukraine is a process of creation of companies-operators with participation of PAT Ukrzaliznycya for...
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E improvements of chart of activation of innovative-investment activity of railway transport are presented, taking into account the problems of investing and government control of innovative activity.
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In the article the analysis of factors, which affects socio-economic development of railway transport of Ukraine, is definite, priority of basic factors affecting socio-economic development of railway transport of Ukraine is offered, and the spheres of influence of external environment on...
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В статті обґрунтовано необхідність еволюції концепції стійкого розвитку в напрямку гармонізації, визначені принципи забезпечення гармонійного розвитку...
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The content of concepts «innovation», «innovative process», «innovative capacity», «innovative activity» are specified in the article that allows to substantiate the modern concept of innovation development of rail transport and its infrastructure. Trends of innovation development of...
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Стаття присвячена розгляду сучасних тенденцій інвестиційних процесів на залізничному транспорті УкраїниIn the article the modern tendencies of investment processes on the railway transport of Ukraine are...
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The сonsidered problem investment-innovation activity of the rail-freight traffic, is formed theoretical bases innovation and technical politicians of the rail-freight traffic, is motivated offers for changes to method and principle to organizations investment-innovation activity of the...
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