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We study the endogenous relationship between health care, life expectancy and output in a modified neoclassical growth model. While health care competes resources away from goods production, it prolongs life expectancy which in turn leads to higher capital accumulation. We show that savings and...
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In transitional stage saving rate play an important role in output growth rate as proposed by Krugman. Accumulationists are also right as claiming that learning-by-doing play an important role in TFP growth in NIEs. However, using a CES production technology we can show that the growth model...
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Ebben a cikkben a véges időhorizontú optimális növekedés kérdésével foglalkozunk. A kiinduló pont Harrod és Domar állandó tőke/termelési hányadú modellje, de a beruházási hányad az elemzési időszakban bizonyos korlátok között folytonosan változhat. Föltesszük, hogy a...
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Growth models with endogenous mortality assume generally that life expectancy is increasing with output per capita and, thus, with individual consumption, whatever its level is. However, empirical evidence supports a U-shaped relationship between consumption and mortality, implying that the...
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(1) Earth Endogenous System?(hereunder, the EES) is perfectly economic policy-orientation while a system for national accounts (the SNA, 1993, 2008, the UN) and other international organizations (e.g., OECD, EU, ILO, and so on) are all records-orientation. The author proves in the EES a fact...
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In this paper, we characterize the relationship between the initial distribution of human capital and physical inheritances among individuals and the long-run distribution of these two variables. In a model with indivisible investment in education, we analyze how the initial distribution of...
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In this paper, we characterize the relationship between the initial distribution of human capital and physical inheritances among individuals and the long-run distri- bution of these two variables. In a model with indivisible investment in education, we analyze how the initial distribution of...
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We explore the optimal fertility age-pattern in a four-period OLG economy with physical capital accumulation. For that purpose, we firstly compare the dynamics of two closed economies, Early and Late Islands, which differ only in the timing of births. On Early Island, children are born from...
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This paper studies an economy inhabited by overlapping generations of homeowners and investors, with the only difference between the two being that homeowners derive utility from housing services whereas investors do not. Tight collateral constraint limits the borrowing capacity of homeowners...
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In the setting of a dynamic general equilibrium model we ask the following question: What happens if the interest rate is settled exogenously in a level that differs from the one which emerges from equilibria in the markets? Although the subject of the setting of the interest rate by an external...
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