Showing 11 - 20 of 175
The relationship between firms and environment is complex. The impact that firms have on the environment include the use of primary resources to make products and the production of wastes and emissions. The impact of firms’ products on the environment, moreover, is not negligible....
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Liquorice root has been dug up and traded for centuries in a Euro-Asiatic belt stretching from the Iberic Peninsula to Eastern China. In this area it was possible to distinguish three different cultural traditions and markets: the Mediterranean and Middle East one, the Indian and the Chinese,...
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This paper assesses the effectiveness of the Everything But Arms (EBA) initiative launched by the EU in 2001. It evaluates whether EBA was effective in increasing the exports from LDCs to the EU over the period 1995-2006. After arguing that the impact of trade preferences should be estimated by...
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This paper investigates the role of institutional differences at the local level as determinants of firms’ capital structure. Specifically, its aim is to empirically assess whether and to what extent SMEs’ financial decisions are affected by local financial development – evaluating this...
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Questo lavoro presenta un'analisi territoriale della produttività totale dei fattori (PTF) in Italia dal 1998 al 2006, utilizzando dati di impresa. L'aspetto territoriale è approfondito scomponendo la PTF negli effetti within-firms e between-firm. Queste due componenti sono calcolate per...
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Using data on road accidents, traffic fatalities and driving offences taking place in Italy over the period 2001-2005, we estimate the effects of the introduction on July 2003 of a penalty point system for driving offences. To identify the causal effect of the penalty point system on road safety...
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The EU grants preferential access to its imports from developing countries under several trade agreements. The widest arrangement, in terms of country and product coverage, is the Generalised System of Preferences (GSP) through which, since 1971, virtually all developing countries have received...
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La presenza di un’elevata concentrazione delle condizioni di malattia nelle aree disagiate è un tema molto dibattuto di salute pubblica. Da una parte si sostiene che tale concentrazione sia la manifestazione dell’effetto della povertà e del disagio individuale (effetto composizionale),...
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In this paper we carry out an evaluation of the effectiveness of monetary incentives in enhancing student performance using a randomized experiment involving undergraduate students enrolled at a Southern Italian University. Students participating at the experiment were assigned to three...
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In this paper we propose a new method of single imputation, reconstruction, and estimation of non-reported, incorrect or excluded values both in the target and in the auxiliary variables where the first is on ratio or interval scale and the last are heterogeneous in measurement scale. Our...
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