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Celem artykulu jest analiza pozycji konkurencyjnej najwiekszych przedsiebiorstw branzy budowlanej z wojewodztwa podlaskiego, na tle sektora w latach 2010 - 2012. Do analizy wykorzystany zostal tzw. Radar Nagashimy, pozwalajacy okreslic w sposob syntetyczny wzgledne ksztaltowanie sie wybranego...
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Reporting understood as a process provides the output in a form of data and information presentation, which is one of the important aspects of a business management system. The effectiveness of processes and decision making by a management depends on the access to actual and relevant data,...
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In the year 2015 the European Union has reached the halfway of implementation of Europe 2020 strategy, which is aimed at forming the conditions for sustainable and inclusive economy delivering high levels of employment, productivity and social cohesion. In this context the aim of the paper is to...
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In the majority economic areas of the world, family businesses are the overwhelming majority, it is certain in the case of small and medium-sized busi-nesses. Large family companies – in opposition to common opinion – are not the economy margin. It is other way round, they are not directly...
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Starting from the crisis on the real economy in 2008 it has been developed an intense discussion, supported by a number of declarations on the global scale, about the need for changes in the economy. A huge impact on this state of affairs was the analysis of the causes and effects of the...
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This paper shows that Keynes’s involuntary unemployment derived from Walras’s voluntary unemployment by means of changing of the characteristic of the aggregate supply curve (function) of labour. On the one hand, when the original aggregate supply function is a strongly increasing function,...
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Celem ksi¹¿ki jest próba zmierzenia siê z kwestiami, które istotnie wp³ywaj¹ na funkcjonowanie wspó³czesnego przedsiêbiorstwa opartego na wiedzy. W niniejszej pracy postawiono nastêpuj¹ce pytania badawcze: 1. W jaki sposób efektywne gospodarowanie wiedz¹ mo¿e stanowiæ Ÿród³o...
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The subject of this paper is to formulate an approach of determining dependencies between socio-economic aspects and migration phenomena and also make an attempt to apply it for the analysis of internal migration in Poland in 2004-2011. A construction of econometric gravity model with using of...
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