Showing 81 - 90 of 222
The paper presents the main conclusions of the analysis of business cycle synchronization in the oil market with economic and stock market cycles in Poland. The study was based on 158 monthly observations from the period from January 2000 to February 2013. The main data source were
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Celem pracy jest wlasciwe zdefiniowanie sektorow gospodarki o strategicznym znaczeniu dla bezpieczenstwa panstwa i ocena stosowanych przez panstwo instrumentow ochrony przedmiotowego bezpieczenstwa. W artykule zdefiniowano kryteria, na podstawie ktorych wyodrebniono sektory gospodarcze o...
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Poziom bezrobocia w regionie oraz aktywnosc ekonomiczna na rynku pracy uznaje sie z jedne z najwazniejszych uwarunkowan poziomu zycia ludnosci. Celem artykulu byla ocena regionalnego zroznicowania wskaznikow charakteryzujacych sytuacje na rynku pracy w zaleznosci od wybranych cech spolecznych i...
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Doswiadczenia Japonii z lat 90. XX wieku oraz ostatni globalny kryzys finansowy pokazaly, ze problem zerowej granicy nominalnych stop procentowych (zero bound) przestal byc ciekawostka teoretyczna i stal sie przedmiotem ozywionej dyskusji naukowej. Problem ten scisle wiaze sie z rozpatrywanym...
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Tax sharing arrangements provide considerable financial resources to sub-central government levels. This statement is true both for unitary and federal states although tax revenue sharing mechanisms differ significantly across countries. The basic aim of this article is to compare the mechanisms...
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The aim of the article is to present the degree of involvement of the SME sector in issues related to pro-environment activity, which has a significant impact on building a competitive advantage in the era of sustainable development. The article uses the method of secondary analysis based on...
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Population migration is a long-lasting process affected by many factors. The analysis of its effects is a typical research approach to its interpretation. The object of the paper is to investigate migration phenomenon by means of gravity model application. It helps to explain variations in the...
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Recent years see intense reforming of funded pensions sub-system in Poland. Actually, what are policy objectives like at which change in design introduced in 2013 (mandatory funding) and projected in 2014 (voluntary funding) is oriented? The article briefly reports what was contemporary...
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The sudden development of the mankind at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries brought along the growth in importance of exploiting the energy of different type. When uninterruptedly a demand for the energy is growing, and abilities of increasing the supply for her are limited, we can deal...
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Przedmiotem analizy jest korelacja integracji europejskiej i wlaczania Niemiec w proces wspolpracy w Europie. Zwracamy uwage, ze ksztalt integracji europejskiej po II wojnie swiatowej zostal zdeterminowany przez utworzenie w 1951 r. Europejskiej Wspolnoty Wegla i Stali (EWWiS), ktora pozwolila...
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