Showing 51 - 60 of 223
La gestión de los recursos pesqueros representa actualmente un importante reto dentro de la economía de los recursos naturales. El Análisis de Mercado de la Flota Artesanal Gallega constituye el objetivo del presente trabajo. En particular, dicho estudio se realizará empleando como...
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This paper seeks to analyse the extent of geographic concentration in Spanish industry. To that end the concentration index derived from a model of industrial localisation proposed in Maurel & Sédillot (1999) is used, and a comparison is made with other indices used in literature. Starting from...
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In this paper we make a methodological proposal to measure poverty accounting for time by proposing a new index that aims at reconciling the way poverty is measured in a static and a dynamic framework. Our index is able to consider the duration of the poverty spell and the social preference for...
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This paper provides empirical evidence on the biasing effects of self-interest on patients’ stated preferences in a priority setting experiment. The analysis is based on a choice experiment to elicit preferences on the prioritization of patients on a waiting list for a non-urgent surgical...
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Alcanzar modelos enerxéticos que promocionen as enerxías limpas tense convertido nun obxectivo desexado por todos os gobernos de cara a reducir tanto o impacto ambiental da produción da enerxía como a dependencia enerxética. No caso de Galiza esta aposta centrouse fundamentalmente na...
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In this paper we analyze the factors that influence transitions into self-employment in Spain using a discrete time duration model, and, given the evidence of lower earnings among self-employees, we further explain the earnings differential between employees and self-employees using a...
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El objetivo del presente trabajo es doble: en primer lugar, mostrar la utilidad de las medidas de desigualdad intermedia en el análisis de la distribución de la renta; y, en segundo lugar, presentar las ventajas e inconvenientes de los índices intermedios existentes, de acuerdo con las...
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This paper is devoted to the specification of price equations based on optimal pricing rules for multiproduct firms selling in vertically differentiated markets. The theoretical framework predicts how equilibrium prices depend on the location of products across segments, the firm market share...
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En este artículo se estima un modelo de duración en tiempo discreto para analizar la movilidad residencial con datos longitudinales. Los datos utilizados se refieren a los hogares españoles del Panel de Hogares Europeo (PHOGUE) realizado de 1994 a 2001. Además de la aportación que supone...
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This paper formally shows the parallel that exists between inequality and spatial concentration measurement. This examination allows us to unveil the properties that the literature is implicitly assuming when using inequality measures to quantify the spatial concentration of economic activity....
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