Showing 15,221 - 15,230 of 15,295
During the first half of the 20th century the Uruguayan government tried to implement, although with no success, a general unemployment insurance (UI) scheme for workers in the private sector, which included an employment service. The only time that employers´ traditional opposition to an...
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This paper examines how the characteristics associated with the quality of young' first job in Uruguay determine their future performance in the labor market. Based on the analysis of marginal and treatment effects, applying different methods, we find evidence that supports the hypothesis of...
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The mandatory pension system in Finland includes survivors’ pensions to surviving spouses. The survivors’ pension scheme has been criticized on equity grounds because it represents a significant net transfer from singles to certain type of married couples. However, before possibly...
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Although Estonia developed a functioning market economy, it has hardly succeeded in catching-up economically with the richer countries of the euro area. Correspondingly, the level of social security is still rather limited. To improve the income situation and enhance the social security systems...
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The aim of this paper is to analyse the effect of the recent Social Security reform on public retirement benefits. The main measures af- fecting the calculation of pensions are: 1) extension of the retirement age from 65 to 67 years, 2) changes in covered earnings of the retirement pension, 3)...
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As it evolves around the world, Social Security financed on pay-as-you-go (PAYG) basis increasingly becomes a Ponzi scheme due to aging populations. The main objective of Social Security is to insure seniors against an uncertain life span. However, as the probability of being a net loser rises...
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This paper discusses the impact of aging on the financial equilibrium of the Tunisian retirement system and the macroeconomic implications of reform and introduces capitalized pillars. Using a stylized, closed economy, overlapping generation model to analyze the impact of the introduction of a...
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A tanulmány a mechanizmustervezés módszerével keresi meg a rugalmas nyugdíjrendszer optimális járulékkulcsát és lineáris járadékfüggvényét. Elõször a kormányzat bejelent egy járadékfüggvényt, amely a havi nyugdíjat a szolgálati idõ lineáris függvényében állapítja...
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Groezen-Leers-Meijdam [2003] cikkéből kiindulva a lehető legegyszerűbben modellezzük a következő problémát: a kormányzat gyermektámogatási és nyugdíjrendszert működtetve serkenti a dolgozókat gyermekszülésre, és nyugdíjjal pótolja a "rövidlátó" dolgozók elégtelen...
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A nyugdíjrendszert strukturálisan megreformáló országok oldaláról rendszeresen felmerül a stabilitási és növekedési egyezmény módosításának igénye, általában méltányossági megfontolásokból. A szerző amellett érvel, hogy a deficitkorlát módosítását...
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