Showing 431 - 440 of 446
[fre] Nous présentons un modèle de la participation féminine, qui prend en compte le temps partiel et l'effet du salaire minimum. Ce modèle est estimé sur les données de l'enquête Emploi de 1997. On l'applique à la comparaison de divers dispositifs d'incitation à l'emploi : l'allocation...
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We present a model of female participation in the labor force, which deals with part time work and the minimum wage. The model is estimated on the French employment survey of 1997. We use it to compare various incentive schemes to work: the ?allocation compensatoire de revenu??, the negative...
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Several theoretical contributions have argued that the returns to schooling within marriage play a crucial role for human capital investments. Our paper quantifies the evolution of these returns over the last decades. We consider a frictionless matching framework á la Becker-Shapley-Shubik, in...
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We construct a structural model of household decision-making and matching and estimate the returns to schooling within marriage. We consider agents with idiosyn- cratic preferences for marriage that may be correlated with education, and we allow the education levels of spouses to interact in...
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When studying consumption choices, economists have often relied on the abstraction of a representative agent. Such an agent can indeed be shown to exist and to replicate the aggregate consumers' demand under standard, but not necessarily convincing assumptions (Kirman (1992)). There was also...
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There has been little empirical work evaluating the sensitivity of fertility to financial incentives at the household level. We put forward an identification strategy that relies on the fact that variation of wages induces variation in benefits and tax credits among 'comparable' households. We...
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